Glenn Beck - American

America is in trouble!  Economic trouble with our government growing out of control, with unsustainable deficits in federal and state spending threatening our very existence.  Moral trouble with a decline in Christian values, and with “political correctness” leading us astray.  Demographic trouble with abortion and a declining birth rate combining with porous borders to displace our Christian-heritage peoples with foreign cultures who don’t give a damn about America and its values.  Ignorancetrouble because our “replacement” generation doesn’t have a clue about our history, the vision of our founding fathers, our Constitution, and the unique role our nation has played in the preservation and advancement of freedom. In times of great trouble, special  persons sometimes emerge to help guide the nation.  Glenn Beck is such a person!

Glenn Beck (44) is an American conservative radio and television host, political commentator, author, and entrepreneur.  He is the host of The Glenn Beck Program, a nationally-syndicated talk-radio show that airs M-F throughout the United States on Premiere Radio Networks.  Beck is also the host of the daily (M-F) Glenn Beck TV  show on Fox News Channel (4-5 p.m CT). Beck is also an accomplished author, with six New York Times bestselling books, with five debuting at #1.  Beck is also the founder and CEO of Mercury Radio Arts, a multi-media production company through which he produces content for radio, television, publishing, the stage, and the Internet.

Beck has become a well-known public figure, whose provocative views have afforded him media recognition and popularity, along with controversy and criticism. To his supporters (like me), he is a conservative champion, defending traditional American values from secular progressivism.  He’s fighting our fight for us, and leading the way.

Glenn is an extremely talented communicator.  On his daily TV show, he uses blackboards (and vivid word pictures) to make the complex understandable.  He is also extremely entertaining, using his unbridled enthusiasm, passion and self deprecating humor to make his one-hour “history lessons” of America both informative and extremely entertaining.  His self-educated knowledge of American (and world) history is phenomenal.  He analyzes and compares current events and the direction of our country with historical parallels,  helping us to better understand the long-term effects of policies we are following.  He has a similar good understanding of economics and political processes.

Glenn Beck is a reformed alcoholic, a Mormon, and a man of great passion, patriotism and drive.  Think of the energy it takes to do top-rated daily shows on the radio (two hours) and TV (one hour), done extemporaneously, well backed up by research and facts, while writing six best-sellers in his spare time, plus producing special events.

In times of trouble, we sometimes get special people.  Glenn Beck is such an American.

Can Common Sense Save Our Republic?

Our Republic is in jeopardy.  We have elected a President who campaigned on a platform to “fundamentally change” our nation.  Now, with the help of large Democrat majorities in Congress and the support of the “mainstream” media, he is on the way to changing our Republic.  That change is demonstrated by the people that Obama is appointing to the “Czar” positions, the intent to gain control over every aspect of our life through government controlled health care, and the plan to tax energy (so-called “Cap and trade legislation) to finance the socializing of America. 

The question is, will the common-sense Americans allow all this to happen?

Common sense Americans have long been the backbone and strength of our nation.  Thomas Paine’s booklet “Common Sense” helped unite the colonies and bring forth a new nation.  This ultimately resulted in the Constitution that has made this nation the greatest force for the evolution of freedom in the history of man.  Now we again are in need of people with common sense.

You’re out there!  We see you at dances.  You’re reading this column right now.  You’re hard working, God-fearing people who love this nation, the Constitution, and the rule of law.   You’re patriotic.  Many of you have served the nation in military, or had family members make the ultimate sacrifice.  You believe in God, go to work, do your job, pay your taxes, and do the best that you can.  You basically believe that America is a good nation that does not need to be “fundamentally changed.”  You have “common sense.”

Now I ask you to apply your common sense to these questions.

Does it make sense that Obama has named 32 “Czars” (special assistants) reporting to him to manage various programs, when previous Presidents had only several such positions?  Does it make sense that none of these are subject to the “advise and consent” approval of Congress?  Does it make sense that at least one of these (Van Jones) is an admitted communist intent on fundamentally changing this nation?  (Van Jones resigned, a victory for common sense.)

In health care, does it make sense that we can cover 30 million more people with insurance, continue our existing coverage, and cover pre-existing conditions without substantially increasing costs and rationing health care to seniors?

In energy, does it make sense that we can introduce the largest single tax in American history in the form of a “carbon tax” and not destroy our economy in the process, when that economy is already precarious and the national debt out of control?

On smaller (but symbolic) matters, does it make sense that Michelle Obama has 22 special assistants (paid from $45,000 to $172,000 each at taxpayer expense), when  Hillary had three; Jackie Kennedy one; and Laura Bush one?  Did we elect a Queen?

Will you use your common sense to help save our Republic?

In 2008, the voters in this nation elected Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States, with ~54% of the popular vote.  He was elected under a mantra of “Hope and Change,” with strong support from liberals, blacks, Catholics and Jews, and those who believed it was time for a black president.  Obama has failed. He has failed the nation. He has failed many of the groups that supported him. He has failed our most important allies around the world.  He has failed as a moral leader.  How has he failed?  To quote the poet Browning, “Let me count the ways.”

Economy:  Obama’s signature efforts to improve the economy were the bailouts and the stimulus.  He gained control of major banking institutions and two major auto companies via the $700 billion “bailout” package. The bailout failed, succeeding only in increasing federal government control of free enterprise. He also forced through the $800 billion stimulus bill.  It failed with an enormous waste of government funding creating very few permanent jobs.  The net result is an enormous deficit, unequaled in our nations history, and most importantly continued unemployment officially at 8.3% but actually much higher if counting those who have quit looking for work.  The bottom line is that Obama’s plans to improve the economy have  been a disaster!

Healthcare takeover:  Obama’s signature legislation (“Obamacare”) will add trillions to our future debt, give  the federal government control of one sixth of the nation’s economy, “break” the best medical care system in history, and result in health care rationing and loss of doctors. It is a medical disaster just beginning to unfold.

Energy policy:  Obama has continued to push for unproven green energy schemes (many of which have failed at huge taxpayer loss), while hampering the development of traditional fossil fuel energy, and delaying development of necessary pipelines for oil and gas. 

Peace through apologizing: 
 On the world scene, Obama has been intent on apologizing for the U.S., offending friends while sustaining enemies such as Iran and North Korea by engaging in endless negotiations. Yet he continues to slight our important allies such as Great Britain and Israel.

Flaunting the Constitution:  Obama began flaunting the Constitution by appointing over 32 czars to positions of power, and has continued to disrespect the Legislative branch by making recess appointments, and writing regulations that override laws.

No respect for America:  Obama and wife Michelle have shown disrespect for this nation, reflecting their deep-seated view that we as a nation are fundamentally flawed.  These beliefs were developed under the influence of Obama’s leftist and socialist mentors such as Frank M. Davis, Bill Ayers, Edward Said, Roberto Unger, and Rev.  Jeremiah Wright.  They trained him well.

Presidential leadership:  Americans  need a President who leads and unites.  Obama uses class warfare to divide us.  We want a President who adds and multiplies.  But we have a President who subtracts and divides.  On November 6, do the math!  

The Party’s Over!

It may not yet be time to “turn out the lights,” but folks, I think the Party’s Over!  I’m talking about “Party Time USA,” as we have enjoyed the highest standard of living and prosperity in the history of mankind, and a leadership position in the world.  It may all be coming to an end as we have spent our way into enormous debt that has brought us to the edge of financial chaos.

Major federal deficits began in 2002, resulting from the financial impact of nine-eleven on the economy coupled with the cost of the war on terror.  The deficit averaged about $280 billion per year in the period 2002-07, and increased to about $420 billion in 2008 as a result of the financial turndown and the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.     Bad enough.  But the deficits for 2009 and 2010 were about $1,400 billion and 1,300 billion.  Worst of all, the projected deficits for fiscal 2011 is $1,650 billion! Enormous numbers!  Numbers that defy understanding, that will stagger the economy, and that perhaps can never be repaid. Our national debt now stands at a record and mind-blowing $14,100 billion!  We are “mortgaged” way over our heads.  We pay $600 million a day in interest alone! 

We are surviving only by printing money!!!  Our government calls this  “quantitative easing” to hide the fact that we are intentionally inflating and destroying our currency.  Our credit rating is precarious. The dollar is falling (failing?) in world markets.  And still we keep spending!  Up to now, our leaders (both parties) have been unwilling to cut the spending.  Because weare unwilling to cut the spending!

Now our conservative congressmen (mostly Republicans) are trying to cut spending.  The House of Representatives is forcing budget cuts in a vital and contentious debate that is underway right now on the 2011 fiscal year budget.  (Yes folks, we are halfway through the fiscal year - which is Oct through Sept -  and still don’t have a budget!  Know why?  Because the Democrat-controlled Congress refused to face the budget music before the November election - for fear of backlash at the polls - so they passed continuing resolutions instead to kick the empty can down the road.)

Republicans in the House of Representatives are now asking for significant cuts in spending, and repeal of Obamacare to eliminate the huge cost that will be associated with it.  The Democrat-controlled Senate is paying lip service to reducing spending, but so far have been much better at holding spending to the totally unacceptable 2010 levels. 

Folks, we simply have to cut spending!  Examples include Obamacare (repeal or de-fund), drastic cuts in the Department of Energy (including the ethanol subsidy program),  drastic cuts in the Department of Education, slashing foreign aid, reducing defense spending , and most importantly, changes to Social Security, Medicare, and other entitlement programs. 

We have to understand that we have spent ourselves to near economic collapse.  We have to accept that reducing government is essential.  It’s up to us!  Now!!!  It means sacrifice, but we can do it!        (April 2011)

Broke? (Part 2)

We are facing federal deficits that blow the mind.  And our leaders (both parties) have been unwilling to cut the spending. That’s because we have been unwilling to cut the spending!  We have gone from wanting “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” to wanting utopia, provided by the federal government,  And we want it now!  We have met the enemy, and he is us! The solution lies within us, each of us!

 On Being Broke:  The first step is to recognize and admit that our nation is going broke because we refuse to control our spending.  We must understand that our deficits are simply not sustainable, that we are burdening ourselves with interest payments that we cannot afford, and that the debt will undermine our nation and lead to chaos.  We need only to look to the failing nations of Greece, Spain, Iceland and similar European nations to understand that it can and will happen unless we change.  

 Governing:  Second, we must become involved in governing ourselves.  We are a republic, and we elect our leaders.  They are accountable to us, but we are responsible for ensuring that they perform, and do the things we elect them to do.  Each of us must be part of this process of governing.  Here’s how.  

 Know your representatives:   Know your representatives in state and national governments, and know how to contact them.  At the state level, you have a Representative and a Senator.  In Washington, you have a Representative and two Senators.  Know there names.  Get their contact information (phones, e-mails addresses, and addresses of  their offices nearest you.  Knowing your representatives is a start, but you must also contact them.  Call, write, visit!  Tell them that they must reduce the size of government and government budgets.  You can do this!  They work for you!

 Be prepared to give up something:  Reducing the size of government means eliminating government programs.  This means somebody has to do without things they previously enjoyed at taxpayer expense.  Human nature is such that the benefits wereceive are “worthwhile programs” while the benefits that others receive are government waste!  We have to overcome this, and understand that we - each of us - must do without something we have been getting from other taxpayers.  

Nothing is sacred:  No government program is sacred!    All can be reduced.   Even national defense!  I believe in a strong national defense, yet I also believe there is tremendous waste involved.  For example, there are 315 Admirals in the Navy, with only 264 ships!  Perfect example of the bureaucracy that bloats every Department and every program!

 We are the solution:  We have met the enemy, and he is us.  We are also the solution.  Each of us!                           (March 2011)

Folks, let’s take pride in America!   

May 21 is Armed Forces day.  May 30 is Memorial Day.  June 14 is Flag Day.  July 4th we celebrate the birth of our nation 235 years ago.  Important dates all!  Dates that should cause us to take stock, consider our blessings, and profess our pride in America!  This editorial reaffirms why Americans should be both thankful and proud. 

We should be thankful for our Christian heritage, which formed the core beliefs and values of our nation, and led our Founding Fathers to produce one of the greatest documents in the history of the human race, The United States Constitution. Dwight Eisenhower said, “Without God there could be no American form of government nor an American way of life. Recognition of the Supreme Being is the first--the most basic--expression of Americanism.” 

We should be proud of our free enterprise system and capitalism.  Freed by the Constitution of despotic control by the federal government, capitalism has unleashed the creativity of the millions of Americans to seek to better themselves.  Capitalism inspires people to better themselves.  It is the root of the American Dream. 

We should be proud of our work ethic, which is a direct result of capitalism and free enterprise since work is rewarded.

We should be proud that we corrected the great sin of slavery (painful as it was) and moved on to establish equal opportunity (in our lifetime).  We should be proud of our progress in fighting prejudice (although there is much yet to do).  

We should be proud that the American model of Democracy has contributed to the betterment of mankind.  

We should be proud of our charity.  We are a giving people.  We give to support a legion of domestic agencies that care for the poor, fight diseases, treat the ill, feed the hungry, support education, and much more.  We give foreign aid in massive amounts, both through our regular government programs and in response to natural or man-made catastrophes.  

Yes, we have flaws.  But we have much to make us thankful and America Proud!

Yet we are living in a time when many no longer take pride in our nation.  When our President’s wife proclaimed, “For the first time I am proud of our nation”  she really meant it!  Our President has denied “American Exceptionalism” and gone around the world apologizing for America. 

The liberal left and the media are hell-bent on convincing us that the United States is a flawed - yes even evil - country.  TV documentaries show us the personal flaws of our nation’s founders,  rather than what they accomplished in establishing the greatest nation in the history of the world.  Elementary school students are taught what’s wrong with our country, rather than what’s right.  Liberal and socialist college professors indoctrinate their students on the evil of capitalism.  Their mission is to convince us that we are bad, and therefore must change, to a more progressive (socialistic)  society.

Well folks, I’m not buying it!  Let’s be America Proud!   

America Proud (June 2011)

I Believe...

Readers of this monthly opinion column are appreciated, regardless of whether they agree, disagree, or are just curious. 

Our opinions are based on our beliefs.  A decent respect for your opinion suggests that I share with you the things I believe.

I believe in God.  While my introduction to God is via my Catholic upbringing, my belief in God is based on the wonders of creation, the infinite micro-world of the atom, the breathtaking macro-world of the universe, the extraordinary mystery of life itself, the wonders of the human body, and by the emotion of love, which at one time or another in our lives has overpowered us all, and remains a foundation for all that we do that is good.

I believe in one God.  There is either one God, or no God!  There cannot be multiple Gods.  There are many religions, because religions are invented by man to help our understanding of God.  I believe that God is love.  It follows that I believe in the religion of love, Christianity.  I have problems with any religion of hate.  I have major problems with a religion that considers all non-believers infidels, and that sanctions their repression, or worse.

I believe in the sanctity of life.  Life must be protected, particularly innocent life.  Therefore I am against abortion.  But I also believe that actions to protect innocent life can include capital punishment.  And I support a right to refuse medical treatment when prolonging life by artificial means is inconsistent with our own mortality as designed by God.  Clearly, there is a right to die.  But this does not extend to suicide or assisted suicide, because both are an affront to God.

I believe in American Exceptionalism. Our nation, founded on Christian principles,   has advanced humankind like no other nation in history.  We have established a rule of law, overcome some of our weaknesses (i.e.; slavery), led the free world to victories over   Hitler and communism, developed nations through our foreign aid, and relieved human suffering through our responses to disasters.  We have been truly exceptional.

I believe in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  These two documents, the foundation of our Republic, have set a standard for the world.  They rank with the Ten Commandments and the Magna Carta as milestones in the advancement of mankind.

I believe in free enterprise and capitalism.  They have unfettered  the ingenuity of our people, and resulted in a standard of living unequaled in humankind,  clearly demonstrating the failings of socialism.

I believe that homosexuality is perversion of the sex act.   Sex was given to us by the Creator for procreation, and for our human enjoyment and expression of love. 

These are some of the beliefs on which my opinions are based.  These beliefs lead me to be a Christian conservative, to oppose abortion and all those who support it, to support politicians and parties that work for:  free enterprise and capitalism (not socialism); American Exceptionalism; free speech (as opposed to “political correctness”); a strong defense; the right to bear arms; and a strict  interpretation of the Constitution. 

And it’s why I oppose Obama.

Ted Cruz for US Senate

Assault on Freedom

9/11/01:  On this day, our very freedom was attacked.  Our complacency was shattered.  Our world changed forever. 

Many will ask why.  The simple answer is that it occurred because we have enemies.  It was effective simply because it is easy to attack a nation that is free.  Our very freedom makes us vulnerable.

But in a larger sense, this only describes how it could happen.  The real questions are what to do about it, and what the root causes are.  Most certainly we should declare war against the terrorists who have declared war on us.  But we should also reflect on how we allowed this to happen. 

First, we allowed it to happen by refusing to believe or worry about the fact that we have enemies.  We are complacent, fat, all wrapped up in self-indulgence, and concerned mostly about what we can get “free” from the government.  We don’t pray, we don’t vote, and our youth are not taught patriotism.  They are even taught to tear down our founders (witness the attack on Thomas Jefferson) and rewrite history.

Second, and related, we have drastically cut financing of our intelligence operations, compromised our most vital secrets through mismanagement of key federal agencies, and allowed unprecedented espionage and transfer of technology to China.  All of this while we are seemingly more concerned about the legitimizing homosexuality and destroying respect for life by advocating abortion.

Third, we seem to worship the “environment” rather than the God who created it, and have allowed TV, the media and the Hollywood liberals to promote a decline in our morals that can only be described by Biblical comparison.  The wife of the Rev. Billy Graham was reported to have recently said, “If God does not judge this nation, He will need to apologize to Sodom and Gomorra.”

What can we do as individuals?  Become outraged, and dare to speak it aloud to every person you meet!  Unify!  Get involved! Give Blood.  Fly the flag.  Demand that our military be returned to effective strength with adequate financing!  Demand that our government plan and prepare for the War of Terrorism that is upon us and give them the resources to do the intelligence work necessary!  Commit that the lessons of this day shall not pass from your memory.

Finally, we can each do that which we each always do, but we can do it better!  The great strength of America has always been the spirit and determination of our people.  Each of us makes our contribution daily:  mother, fireman, sales person, waiter, office worker, mailman, student, grandparent.  Whatever we do is our contribution.  And it is important.  But we can do it better.  Let that be our resolve.  Let that be our proud way back from this fateful day.  Each of us doing what we do, but doing it better!  

It’s about 9 a.m. Saturday morning of Memorial Day weekend, and we’re on I-45 heading north from Houston for the National Polka Festival in Ennis.  Around Madisonville, I notice an enterprise on the west side of I-45, with at least two dozen worker’s (employees) cars in the parking lot on this holiday-weekend morning.  It’s the manufacturing site for Texas Pride Trailers,  a successful small business enterprise by a Texas entrepreneur, who is making an excellent product (trailers) and in doing so is also making a great case for capitalism!  An entrepreneur is risking his capital and devoting his life to an enterprise that is contributing to the local economy by employing many workers.  I think about these people at work on a Saturday morning making trailers, and I think about what is right about capitalism! Everybody wins!

Speaking of everybody winning, how about Buc-ee’s?  Is there anybody in Texas that hasn’t looked forward to a stop at one of the Buc-ee’s establishments on I-10 or I-45?  An oasis on the interstate!  Exceptionally clean and spacious restrooms. Great merchandise and food for travelers. Hundreds of employees gainfully employed, giving the local economy a great boost.  Another fine example of capitalism at work!

Is there anyone who doesn’t believe in capitalism?  Well, unfortunately yes. Obama doesn’t!

Obama came to office promising fundamental change of America.  After three years it’s becoming very clear that his fundamental change is a belief in big government, redistribution of wealth, adding public-sector employees at every level of government, and an anti-capitalist mindset.  His regulatory agencies are staffed with people who are out to get industry, such as the EPA administrator in Texas who recently had to resign because of his anti-business statements.  Obama’s costly stimulus program has failed (just as FDR’s make-work projects - e.g. WPA, Conservation Corps -  failed) because the monies flowed primarily to public works, and did not prime the pump of private enterprise (capitalism).

Recently, Obama opened an attack on Mitt Romney’s capitalistic free-enterprise record as head of Bain Capital, a firm specializing in rescuing struggling business by restructuring their operations and finances. Obama has tried to demonize Romney for Bain Capital’s actions, even though they helped  save many of these businesses, and in so doing, saved jobs, families and pensions!  Obama’s attempt to demonize Romney is not working because the American public realizes that capitalism and free enterprise is the engine of economic growth.

The frightening thing is that Obama believes he is right!  He recently asserted that “the private sector is doing fine.”  That of course was news to the millions of unemployed and underemployed Americans who have continued to suffer through the longest recession in modern times under Obama.

Texas Pride Trailers and Buc-ee’s are symbols of what is right about America. Obama is a symbol of what is wrong! ​

Our National Budget

Primary Borders

Regular readers of this column know that failure to secure our borders has been my primary subject this year, with four editorials devoted to it.  That’s because I believe that failure to secure our borders is the most serious issue facing the nation, even more fundamental than the terrorist war being waged against us.  The face and fabric of our nation is at stake, and we are losing the battle. 

That’s why I am addressing this primary issue again, in the context of the primary elections now underway across our nation. 

Of course there are many issues that we should consider when choosing whom to support in the primary elections at the local, state and federal issue.  They include crime, education, protecting the unborn, Jihad by Muslim extremists against the U.S., limiting the growth of government, health care, the economy, and many more.  All of these are important.  But securing the borders is primary!  Our votes in the local, state and federal elections should be driven by this primary issue. 

But how best to determine which candidates really are committed to securing the borders, which really want open borders, and which ones equivocate and obfuscate?  Here’s some help (for the Presidential race).  It’s based on the work of Roy Beck, of “Numbers USA” on the web site of Americans for Better Immigration (see 

Beck has rated all the Presidential candidates on their overall record and stance on immigration in four categories: Promises, Past Actions in Office, Specific Legal Immigration Stances, and Specific Illegal Immigrations Stances.  All total, the report card rates the candidates on 16 specifics among these four categories.  For each specific, Beck assigns a rating of excellent, good, fair, poor, bad, or abysmal.  The resulting matrix provides a comprehensive report on the position of every candidate, current as of Jan. 7 2008.  So comprehensive that it is difficult to comprehend.

So I have made it simple by assigning a point system to the ratings.  Excellent is 3, good 2, fair 1, poor minus 1, bad minus 2, abysmal minus 3.  This point system produces the following scores for each candidate (beginning with Tom Tancredo who scored a perfect 48!):

Tom Tancredo (48); Duncan Hunter (41); Fred Thompson (33); Mike Huckabee (23); Mitt Romney (16); Ron Paul (16); John McCain (minus 9); Rudy Giuliani (minus 10); Chris Dodd (minus 15); Hillary Clinton (minus 18); John Edwards (minus 18); Joe Biden (minus 18); Bill Richardson (minus 20); Barack Hussein Obama (minus 23); and Dennis Kucinich (minus 24). 

Some observations based on these scores.  I have personally supported (financially) the campaigns of Tancredo, Hunter and Thompson, because they lead the way on this primary issue.   

John McCain and Rudy Giuliani are the only Republicans with a minus score.  All the Democrat candidates have minus scores, all lower than the worst Republican.  Among the frontrunners, Barack Hussein Obama is the worst.

Is It Fair?  

Our Mission:  To Help Preserve and Protect Our Republic

The Emperor Has No Clothes!  (Nov 2012)

Romney-Ryan 2012

​​Islamic Fascism

We are at war with Islamic Fascism.  It is a war that the fascists are bringing to us, and a war that will continue for generations.The recently foiled plot to bring down ten or more Unites States airliners is the most recent act of war.  Everyone recalls the attack of Sept. 11, 2001.  Many believe that it was the opening shot in the war.  That’s incorrect.  We have been under active attack for 27 years.  Here’s the record:  Iran Embassy Hostages, 1979; Lebanon Embassy 1983; Beirut Marine Barracks 1983; Lockerbie, Scotland Pan-Am flight to New York 1988; First New York World Trade Center attack 1993; Saudi Arabia Khobar Towers Military complex 1996; Nairobi US Embassy 1998; Tanzania US Embassy 1998; Yemen USS Cole bombing 2000.  All these acts were by Islamic fascists.  Are you ready to agree that we are at war, with a determined enemy?  And these are only the acts against the United States.  A similar litany exists for Islamic fascist attacks on other countries. What is an Islamic Fascist? The dictionary defines fascism as, “a political philosophy, movement or regime that exalts nation or race and stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.”  Hitler and Mussolini were fascists.  So too are the extreme Muslim sects that are breeding Islamic fascism throughout the world. Who are the players in the Islamic fascist movement?  Like the snake-head hair of a modern Medusa, there are many.  Here are a few.  The Taliban leaders that turned Afghanistan into the breeding ground for world terror.  Al Quaeda, leader Osama Bin Laden, and all his followers.  The Wahhabi sect of the Muslim faith, wherever they are worldwide (especially Saudi Arabia).  The Imams (leaders) of the extreme Muslim sects in cities like London, or Detroit (or wherever) who teach the superiority of the Islam faith and death to infidels (any non-Muslim is an infidel).   Organized movements that oppose the existence of Israel as their primary reason for existence also fit into the picture  This includes Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in Palestine.  The governments of Syria and Iran are also significant players, especially Iran.  Hezbollah and the PLO both look to Iran as the leaders of their movement.  The President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad deserves special mention.  Since his election in 1995, Ahmadinejad has emerged as a significant new leader of the Islamic world.  Learn how to say the name, folks.  It’s “Ah-ma-din-i-jad.”  It’s a name we will come to fear. In a movement calculated to undermine Israel, Ahmadinejad states that the Holocaust never happened, and that if it did, then Europe should be the home of Israel.  Do not dismiss this as the ranting of an irrational man.  Ahmadinejad is very rational, and hence all the more dangerous.  Iran has said they have 52,000 trained suicide bombers ready to attack the United States.  We need to know our enemy.  They are Islamic fascists.

America's Enemies - Hugo Chavez

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld recently said, “America is not what’s wrong with the world!”  Donald Rumsfeld is right!  But there are many in the world (and some in the U.S.) that don’t see it that way.  Among them is Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela. 

Venezuela Dictator Hugo Chavez has vowed to bring down the United States.  Chavez, President of Venezuela, told a TV audience: "Enough of imperialist aggression; we must tell the world: down with the U.S. empire.  We have to bury imperialism this century."

Chavez is pushing a socialist revolution and has a close alliance with Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.  Many believe he wants to replace Castro as the major anti-U.S. force in the western hemisphere.  One big difference between Castro and Chavez is that Chavez (Venezuela) has oil!

Chavez made a big splash recently with his appearance at the United Nations, where he called President Bush “the Devil” and pronounced the United States “worthless.”  His specific words were, “The government of the United States doesn’t want peace.  It wants to exploit its system of exploitation, of pillage, of hegemony through war.” 

Chavez received applause from many in the United Nations General Assembly.  He is pushing the UN to seat Venezuela on the UN Security Council.  (Venezuela and Guatemala are competing for an opening coming up on the Security Council.)  Chavez is also helping middle eastern terrorists enter our country illegally across the Mexican border, teaching them Spanish.  He is essentially at war with us!  Yes, we have enemies, and Chavez is near the top of the list.  And as a large exporting nation of crude oil, he has oil as a tool.

But so do we, at least as far as Chavez is concerned.  That’s because the Venezuelan government markets their oil in the United States as Citgo Oil Company, seen throughout the nation as Citgo service stations.  That’s right, folks.  Our self-proclaimed enemy markets the Venezuela oil to you and me at every Citgo station.  The profits go where?  Why to the Venezuelan government of course! 

So every time you buy gas at a Citgo service station, you are directly supporting the government of a man who has proclaimed us his enemy.  So why would anyone want to trade at a Citgo service station?


The Conservative Texans

Memorial Day

Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation’s service.  It takes on special, new significance this year.

There are several stories about its actual beginnings.  It was first proclaimed in 1868 and observed on May 30th that year when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery.  Later it was known as “Decoration Day.”  It is now celebrated across the nation on the last Monday in May.

Many Texas Polka News readers may have childhood memories of Decoration Day.  These memories may involve services in parks, with uniformed veterans of WWI firing volleys from old Springfield rifles in tribute to their fallen companions.  It might include services in a gymnasium, with someone reciting Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address (exceptionally fitting on Memorial Day). In the late 40s and 50s the emphasis would have been on veterans of WWII and the Korean Conflict.  In more modern times, the Viet Nam war moved into center stage.  Now we have Iraq and Afghanistan.

While the players and the conflicts have changed, several things seem to remain constant over the 135 years we have been marking Memorial Day.

First, sorrow, sacrifice and pride in the faces of those who served and those who lost loved ones.  Second, our nation’s flag, used to decorate or mark graves, and flown half-staff until noon (if proper flag etiquette is followed).  Third, a certain degree of detachment among younger people who have not the years, the experience nor the involvement to appreciate the significance of the event or the emotions of those that took part.  Fourth, a desire by many to sing a patriotic prayer.  Perhaps “God Bless America” or “America” or more recently “God Bless The USA.”

And the final constant is “TAPS” which was composed during the Civil War.  While we normally associate TAPS with the lonely and haunting bugle call, here are the words: 

“Fading light dims the sight, And a star gems the sky, gleaming bright.  From afar drawing nigh – falls the night.”

“Day is done, gone the sun, From the lake, from the hills, from the sky.  All is well, safely rest, God is nigh.” 

“Then goodnight, peaceful night, Till the light of dawn shineth bright, God is near, do not fear – friend good night.”

Good night to all who served, and gave us our lives with their sacrifice.

The Great Ethanol Scam

Congress, following the lead of President Bush, mandated that oil companies increase the amount of ethanol mixed with gasoline as part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.  This means that the fuel pumped at most gas stations contains up to 10% ethanol, subsidized at 51 cents per gallon at taxpayer cost.   In addition, the development of autos equipped to burn an E-85 mixture (85% ethanol, 15% gasoline) is being fostered.  This was all hailed as a way of decreasing our dependence on oil by fostering the use of ethanol made from corn.  The environmentalists, the farmers & legislators from corn-producing states, and Archer Daniels Midland (the worlds largest producer of ethanol) all cheered!  In one fell-swoop we could punish big oil, decrease our oil imports, better protect the environment, and help our farmers.  Ethanol would save the day!

Well folks, we’re several years into the use of ethanol, and here’s some facts.

First, ethanol contains one-third less energy per gallon than gasoline.  This means that it takes 1.5 gallons of ethanol to deliver the same energy as a gallon of gasoline.  This directly translates to reduced mileage when using ethanol-enriched fuel. This has been born out in numerous tests (by EPA and others) that show a reduction in miles per gallon of 26% when using E-85. For example, a car that gets 30 mpg on gasoline gets about 22 mpg on E-85.  A similar proportional reduction in mileage is seen when using 10% ethanol blends.  This means that you are buying more gallons of gas to drive your same mileage!

Second, when including the energy input by farmers to grow the corn (fuel, fertilizers, transport) ethanol takes more energy to produce than it delivers.  In short, use of ethanol makes us more dependent on oil or other energy sources, not less! 

Third, corn-derived ethanol contains water, which makes it incompatible with movement in gasoline pipelines.  This means moving it by dedicated tanker, truck or pipeline, with additional costs.

Fourth, the price you pay at the pump for an ethanol blend does not reveal the 51 cent per gallon direct federal subsidy (which comes out of your taxpayer pocket, not your back pocket).  Nor does the pump price reflect subsidies paid to the farmers for growing the corn. 

Fifth, it is not at all clear that there is any environmental benefit with use of ethanol.  While nitrogen oxide emissions are lower, ethanol produces higher concentrations of other pollutants.  Further, water usage is high (1700 gallons per gallon of ethanol). 

Sixth, the rush to produce corn ethanol has tripled the price of corn, driving up the cost of all corn products (animal feed, meats, grains, eggs, etc).  This amounts to a hidden tax directly attributable to the mad rush to produce corn ethanol.  It has also resulted in the U.S. needing to import wheat (as acreage is diverted to corn). 

Is there a place for ethanol in our energy solution?  Probably yes, particularly if derived from other sources such as bio-mass.

But for now, what we have is the Great Ethanol Scam, and it’s a disgrace!

It’s Thanksgiving time; time to think about both Thanks and Giving.  

I am thankful for Supermarkets!  Consider for a moment the absolute magnificence of a modern supermarket, and more importantly, what it represents.

You enter a supermarket and there before you are aisle after aisle of produce, canned goods, meats fish & poultry, house wares, flowers, baked goods, and the list goes on and on. 

Now let’s look at it with new eyes.    Pretend that you have never seen a supermarket before.  You see the bounty of a fruitful nation laid out before you in magnificent splendor. You begin to ponder that such bounty could only be possible in a nation of free people working together in what has become the most productive society in the history of mankind.

Our founders established a Republic – a representative democracy – that has become the model for freedom of mankind and the foundation of our success and productivity.  Our model is built on the Constitution,  the capitalistic system, the work ethic of our founders and immigrants, supported by belief in a Higher Being.  It has resulted in the most productive and free nation in the world.  Yes, I am thankful for supermarkets!

Thankful people are giving people! But how best to give, when, and to whom?  Giving is of course a very personal  matter.  Here are some things to consider. 

First, give before Dec. 31 to obtain the tax deductions (if you itemize deductions).

Second, select charities or causes that reflect your personal beliefs and values.  For example, our favorite charities include: Texas Right to Life (pro-life); The Leadership Institute (trains young conservatives);  the Heritage Foundation (conservative causes);   The American Family Association (traditional family values and decency in media); the Salvation Army; the Wounded Warrior Project; our church, and several more.  Such charities, and your favorites, can be found with a quick web search.

Third, select charities that have low overhead and fundraising costs.  A key question is what portion of a contributed dollar goes to overhead and fundraising?  Sometimes it is quite high even among well know charities.  The ones we give to have low costs (and Salvation Army is one of the best).  You can do your own charity research at

Fourth, 2013 is a great year to give if you have a standard IRA, and are subject to minimum required withdrawals.   As you know, you have to pay tax on these withdrawals. But a special exclusion applies in 2013.  You may make distributions from your IRA directly to charities (that will qualify towards your minimum required withdrawal) and pay no tax on that distribution!  Yes, it must go directly to the charity, but depending on your economic situation it can be a great deal for both you and the charities!

Fifth:  Give directly to a needy family or person that you know.  Personal gifts are not deductible, but are the right thing!

November can be a month of both Thanks and Giving.  It’s the American way!

A Primary Role

Have you ever wanted to be important?  Somebody who helped make things happen.  Someone with an important role? Perhaps even a primary role?

Well, now’s your chance to have a primary role, by taking a role in your primary election!  The state-by-state primary elections will be occurring around the nation in the next several months, beginning in January.

What is a primary election, and why are they important?  Simply stated, primary elections select the people who will be on the general ballot in the fall election, including the Presidential candidates.  In many respects, primary elections are more important than the general election!  How so, you say?  Well, consider this. 

Regardless of whether you are liberal or conservative, the primary election allows you to influence the candidate that your party selects for the fall election.  If you want your party to be more liberal or more conservative; if you distrust the incumbent or have a favorite challenger; if you have a keystone issue such as immigration or abortion or the war on terror; the primary election is the one and only chance to make your voice heard!  Come fall, you will be locked into the person (and hence positions) selected by your party.  But in the primaries, you help select that person, and form the positions!

This is important at every level of government, whether local, state of federal.  At the local level, your primary choices help make positions on issues such as local taxes, sanctuary cities, and crime.  At the state level, you influence all these areas and much more, including the important election of judges, and the top officials of the state (e.g.; governors, etc.).  At the national level, you help influence the direction of the nation by identifying your party’s selection to run for President!

But how do you know whom to vote for in the primary election?  There are so many candidates!  No easy answer here!  It takes effort to learn the candidates, their positions, and sort through all the ads and misinformation to identify those that best reflect your beliefs. 

The internet is a great help.  First, you can go the website of the official in charge of elections (County Clerk, Secretary of State), or your political party to learn about the date of your primary, the candidates, and early voting.  You can look up the candidates and review their positions.  You can go to conservative or liberal web sites to get their viewpoints.  You can look up the League of Women Voters and get their take on the candidates and issues. 

With regard to selecting a Presidential candidate, check out the following neutral site:  This site helps you identify the Presidential candidate that best reflects your views on 11 important issues.  You select your positions, and the site identifies the candidates that best reflect your positions, based on the candidate’s own statements on each issue.  It works regardless of your political beliefs or party association. It can help you play a primary role.

Barak Obama is making his campaign for reelection a full-time job!  Since his “fundamental change” and economic policies have produced the longest recessionary    period since the great depression, Obama cannot campaign on his record.  Instead, he is (1) raising a number of social issues intended to misdirect the media and the public from his failed economic programs, and (2) continually raising the issue of “fair share,”   alleging that many Americans are not contributing their fair share. This is “class warfare,” straight out of the Democrat playbook.

Since Obama insists on raising the “fairness” issue, let’s take him on headfirst, asking “is it fair?”

Is it fair that, as a result of Obama’s  failed economic policies, the unemployment rate remains above 8% officially, and is really in the neighborhood of 15% or greater if the people who have stopped looking for work are included?  Is it fair that the price of gas remains above three dollars per gallon because of Obama’s policies against the use of fossil fuels, and his anti-oil position in particular?  Is it fair that the anti-business regulators that he’s placed in charge of all of his agencies set out to persecute businesses, as exemplified by the recent case of the Region 6  EPA Administrator who in his own words set out to “crucify” oil and gas businesses? Is it fair that the Obama administration persecutes states like Arizona who have   attempted to enforce their own immigration laws, in the absence of federal action? Is it fair that Obama has created scores of “Czars” to manage the executive branch of government, thereby avoiding the Constitutionally-required confirmation by Congress?  Is it fair that Obama promotes the causes of homosexuals and lesbians but   defends and promotes the taking of innocent human life by abortion?  Is it fair that Michelle Obama and her children have taken 19 extravagant vacations at taxpayer expense while American working families are struggling to find work and stay alive financially?  Is it fair that Obama and the Democrat- controlled Congress has not proposed a budget for the United States during Obama’s entire term of office, instead forcing Republicans to agree to continuing resolutions, in the meantime tearing apart serious Republican proposals for budgets that will bring the deficit more under control?  Is it fair that Obama and the Democratic-controlled Congress pushed through the Obama care bill that will fundamentally change the nature of healthcare in our nation, and in doing so substantially distorted (understated) the costs of Obama care?  Is it fair that Obama and the Democrats in Congress refuse to address the two greatest financial problems facing us, specifically the pending financial failures in Medicare and Social Security?  And finally, Is it fair that our grandchildren and their descendents are being saddled with an enormous national debt that cannot be paid? 

Bring it on Obama! I’m willing to talk the fairness issue right up to November 6!     ​

Global Warming?  Or Hot Air?

We are bombarded daily with dire predictions of man-made catastrophe from “Global Warming.”  One of the leading public figure alarmists is Al Gore, who is spreading the word as an “Inconvenient Truth.”  Let’s explore the real truth about global warming. 

There are several questions that should be honestly addressed.  First, is the earth getting warmer?  Second, how serious is it? Third, what is the role of man? 

Is the earth getting warmer?  Yes, the earth is in a long term “natural” warming trend that began about 18,000 years ago as we came out of the ice ages when glaciers covered much of the northern hemisphere.  By the end of the ice age the world temperature had risen about 18 degrees F, and sea levels had risen 300 feet.  But this long term warming has nothing to do with man (unless Al would have us believe that cavemen discovering fire is the cause!).  Rather, it is mostly the result of cycles in the sun’s activity; the tilt of the earth’s axis; and wobble in the earth’s orbit around the sun.

But within this warming there are warming and cooling cycles.  During the “medieval warm period” (~10th-14th centuries) Greenland was green and grapes grew in Britain.  But that was followed by the “little ice age” (~16th-19th centuries).  More recently, warming and cooling cycles in the US have occurred (looking at the chart, I can see why I shoveled a lot of snow 1947-51!).  And yes, the US warming trend since the mid-70s has increased temperatures (less than 1 degree F), reaching the same levels as during the 1930’s.  But it’s also important to note that using the most accurate measuring method available (satellite), the average global temperature in the last 18 years has actually decreased!

Bottom line?  Long term warming, but no reliable evidence of recent alarming increases!

How serious is it?  That seems to depend upon whether you are concerned about 10 years, 1000 years or 10,000 years. Clearly, there is no near term reason for alarm.

What is the role of man?  Al Gore wants us to believe that man’s burning of fossil fuels is causing global warming by increasing the “greenhouse effect” of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere.  The fact is that 95% of the earth’s greenhouse effect comes from water vapor in the air?  Does Al think we are responsible for water vapor in the air?  It is true that increasing the CO2 content of the atmosphere increases the greenhouse effect, but obviously only by “wagging the 5% tail” because water vapor controls! 

Bottom line?  There are many good reasons to conserve energy, recycle, and yes, reduce our carbon footprint!  But to blame man for global warming is either the pinnacle of human ego (thinking we have that much power over the nature of God’s universe), or a misdirected effort to gain notoriety, political advantage, and governmental power over our lives. 

So to Al Gore and his ilk, I’m not buying it.  It’s hot air, not global warming.  And there’s your “Inconvenient Truth!”

Real Hope & Change Nov. 2

We were privileged and proud to attend the “Restoring Honor” rally in Washington D.C. on 08/28.  It was awesome!  The crowd was in the hundreds of thousands. 

We positioned ourselves at the WWII Memorial, between the reflecting pool and the Washington Monument.  We had great panoramic views in both directions.  The crowds continued to stream in from the Smithsonian Metro station on the other side of the Washington Monument until 11:30, and people were still coming in even after that.  We were sitting on the steps of the base of the flagpole at the WWII Memorial, and were interviewed by three radio/TV stations and Business Week.

But the Rally was more than the Saturday gathering on the Mall.  It began with the camaraderie on the airplanes and buses, continued in the  hotel and motel lobbies and elevators, built relentlessly in the waiting lines at the overwhelmed Metro stations, and burst out on the National Mall as we shared the historic experience with throngs of Americans.   The excitement was intense!   We  will remember always the camaraderie of the people who came together to help “Restore Honor.” 

We hope that it will be a continuing force for real hope and change Nov. 2.  Here’s how we can all work together to make this happen.

Vote Nov. 2.  Encourage others to vote too.  November 2 will be a referendum on what we want America to be.  Voting is the single most important thing we can do!

Become informed.  Identify the issues of concern to you, and think them through.  Listen to talk radio.  Watch Fox News on TV.  Subscribe to the Washington Times ( a weekly).  Decide how you feel, and why.  Convert those feeling to speech.

Speak out.  Your opinion has merit.  You have the right, and the duty, to use your opinion to influence others.  Look for opportunities in every discussion to introduce your concerns about the direction of this country. Resist the notion that your views may not “be correct.”  The push for “political correctness” in our nation is essentially an effort by the media to silence us.  Fight back by expressing your views. 

E-mails are just a start.  Do more than forward indignant e-mails to other like-minded people.  It’s a start, but not enough! 

Participate in the political process.  You are an important part of the political process.  Know your elected officials.  The names and phone numbers of your two U.S. Senators and your Congressional Representative  should be posted by your phone. Use the national numbers, or better yet, the local offices, where staff are often more receptive to your calls.  Identify yourself as a voting constituent. Limit each call to a single issue, and keep it simple.  But call on every issue!

Folks, every election is important.  But if you are concerned about the direction we are heading, the Nov. 2 election is vital. It will be referendum on what we want America to be for our children and grandchildren.  It matters!  Make it count.  Be counted.


Leftward Ho!

Elections have consequences! 

The people have spoken, and elected a Democrat President and a Legislature controlled by Democrats.  So let the march to the political left begin.

There is little good that can be said about the deepening recession that this nation (and the whole world) is in.  It will mean increasing unemployment, really hard times for those who lose their jobs, financial jitters for everyone, huge budget deficits (federal and state), and possibly severe inflation as the deficit spending kicks in without a real increase in the wealth of the nation. 

But the recession requires that President Obama and the Democrat Congress address the economy first, delaying some of the liberal domestic programs they had hoped to make top priority.  This could be a good thing.  What are some of those programs?  

  • Increasing taxes by allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire, plus increasing taxes on capital gains, estates and higher income people.  Increasing taxes is always a bad economic idea because it stifles the economy, extends recessions and results in reduced government revenues over the long run.  It is true that some will have their taxes lowered, even if they are not paying income taxes.

  • Going green on energy, by restricting the use of all fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal) with carbon emission legislation.

  • Increasing the power of unions by passing “card check” to take away the secret ballot in all elections to unionize.
  • Passing Universal Health Care, at huge cost, when nobody in this country goes without health care now.
  • Removing all restrictions on abortion, by passing the “Freedom of Choice Act.”
  • Increasing gun control, and/or restrictions on buying and keeping ammunition, in defiance of the 2nd Amendment.
  • Silencing conservative talk radio   under the guise of the “fairness doctrine.”
  • Promoting homosexuality under the guise of anti-discrimination.

I won’t mind waiting for these programs.  Meanwhile, think about this.

Alexander Fraser Tyler, a professor at Scotland’s Edinburgh University writing at the time of the American Revolution, made this statement on the “Cycle Of Democracy.”  

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government.  It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse (excessive benefits) from the public treasury.  From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.

The average age of the world’s great civilizations has been 200 years.  These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependence back into bondage.”

Folks, where do you think we are on the Cycle of Democracy?

Economic Crisis II

Our nation is in an economic crisis.  We are in a recession of unknown but serious scope.  Financial pain and sacrifice seem certain.  I examined the causes in the November editorial, placing the primary blame on the government programs and pressures to make “affordable housing” available to all, including those that could not afford it.  We did this with absurd “zero-down” and “interest-only” loans.  The primary enablers were Democratic Congressmen, the Government-sponsored entities (GSE’s) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and personal & corporate greed among those running the GSE’s and the banks.  It all came tumbling down, and triggered economic chaos.

Now we are attempting to “fix it” with enormous government bailouts, using money that we don’t have, mortgaging our future.   It’s the Economic Crisis, Part II!  Worse yet, we are on the verge of replacing our system of capitalism with a government-managed system.  Folks, that’s called socialism, and I’m against it!  I’m against it because I believe in the capitalistic system.  This Nation became great under it.  Conversely, socialism is a failed experiment that destroys incentive and hamstrings economic endeavors.

Yet we are plunging headlong into socialism, with the Federal government becoming part owners and managers of major businesses.  If this occurred in another country, we’d call it “nationalization.”   Because it’s happening here, we call it a “bailout.”

Most of us don’t understand the world of high finance.  But we do have common sense.  In times like this we should use it!

I understand the concept behind bailing out the major financial institutions.  A common sense analogy helps.  The banking system is to our economy as electricity is to our lifestyle.  Electricity has become essential to our lives.  It powers our homes, our factories and our computers.  It is our primary utility.  In like manner, our system of banks provide the credit flow that is the essential engine for all enterprise.  The banks are the utility of all enterprise!  And so, I reluctantly support the Government (taxpayer) rescue of the major financial institutions.  We must keep the lights on!

But not so for other enterprises (public or private).  They must be allowed to fail.  States and cities cannot come to Federal government (us) to bail out their unwillingness to discipline their spending.  

Industries that will not change their business models to survive must not be rewarded by propping them up falsely.  The mechanism for “successful failure” is called Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and it works!  (Continental Airlines has twice successfully emerged from bankruptcy).

Specifically, the Big Three automakers must be allowed to go into bankruptcy, restructure their agreements with the United Auto Workers, and become profitable.  Overpaid executives and UAW members being paid not to work must stop.  After all, Toyota and Honda are successful in the U.S.  Why not Detroit?  Do we have the will to withstand the UAW?  Or do we default to socialism?

How Are Jobs Made?


Our plate of problems is full.  Even overflowing.  Hard problems, with hard decisions facing us.  What’s the biggest problem we have?  That’s easy.  It’s our debt!  With continued deficit spending piling on!  The USA is on its way to bankruptcy.  We are in danger of becoming Greece.  We have spent and spent and spent, and promised payments (entitlements) to everyone; now we are finding out we can’t pay the piper!  Europe is in the same mess.  Their six- decade march towards the nanny state is coming up against the economic reality that socialism works great until you run out of other people’s money!  Europe is beginning to address their problem.  But we aren’t at that stage yet.  We are just beginning to   admit that we have a problem!

How can one understand the problem when the numbers are so big?  To illustrate with real numbers from the 2011 budget, our income is $2.170 trillion, expenses are $3.820 trillion, meaning we must borrow $1.650 trillion this year (of which over 40% will be financed by China).  Our debt (the accumulation of all our past deficit spending) is $14.271 trillion.  The budget included reduced spending of $38.5 billion. 

Difficult to evaluate... right?  But by scaling down our federal finances to the family level we can begin to relate.   If we drop eight zeros from all the above numbers and pretend we are a family, here’s our situation.  Our income this year is $21,700 and we will spend $38,200, so we need to charge $16,500 on our credit card.  The previous balance owed on our credit card is $142,700. Recognizing that we can’t go on this way, we cut our planned expenditures by a whopping $385!

Now we can relate.  Now we can see we are living way beyond our means.  We are staggered by the amount of debt that we have!  Worse yet, our planned cuts were so small they are almost meaningless!  We are in a bad way, getting worse, fast!  We are beginning to understand that we can’t survive this way! 

The debt is the big problem, because it is huge in relation to our income, and growing out of control with each year’s deficit spending.   The first step to dealing with the debt is to reduce, then eliminate, the annual deficit.  This means reducing expenses and increasing income. Increasing income can come from increasing taxes or increasing the tax base (improving the economy). Catch 22 is that increasing taxes decreases the tax base by stifling the economy!  So the only sure way is cutting expenses and growing the economy!   Cutting government is the answer.  But because entitlement programs (Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid) are 40% of the budget, any meaningful cuts must include revisions to these programs. 

Our debt was accumulated by deficit spending under both Democrat and Republican controlled governments.  Plenty of blame to go around.  The recent debate about increasing the debt limit was only an opening skirmish.  The battles will play out continuously over the next 14 months leading to the elections of Nov. 2012. And they should! Become informed. Be a part of it!                          (September 2011)​

“And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for him in the inn.”  Luke 2:7

In December we celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth 2011 years ago.  His birth was a milestone in our salvation history, and reached fulfillment via His crucifixion and resurrection.  The Cross is His symbol. 

That symbol - the Cross - has been ever present in the founding, development and success of our nation.  The Puritans came to this land to escape religious oppression and worship Christ in their manner.  The Founding Fathers relied heavily on their belief in God as they embarked upon the Revolution, as reflected in the Declaration of Independence, and the making of our Government.  The Cross went to war with both North and South, and the Battle Hymn of the Republic proclaimed “His Truth is marching on!”   The cross went to war with our soldiers in many wars, and on the home front held together our families, our communities and our nation.

Now the Cross is under attack in this nation, and with it the fabric of our lives.  The forces assaulting the Cross include secular humanism, good times and apathy, ignorance, and the Islam religion.

Secular humanism is a philosophy that extols human reason, ethics, justice, and the search for human fulfillment. It specifically rejects religious doctrine as a basis for society.  It is perhaps the ultimate sin of pride, because it places man at the center of existence, and premises that man has all that is needed to make a perfect society.  God, and the Judeo-Christian precepts, are irrelevant!  Conservatives are not secular humanists!

Good times and apathy are also eroding the Cross.  During good times, man’s perceived need for God declines.  Good times lead to apathy.   Apathy leads to ignorance of God.  Imagine a world where the our replacements (future generations) had never learned about our Judeo-Christian heritage!  No ten commandments.  No birth of Christ.  No sermon on the mount.  No crucifixion or resurrection!  Ignorance  creates a void, filled by secular humanism!

The Islam religion is at odds with the Cross.  Not theologically.  But in practice, the Islam religion and the Cross have proven to be incompatible over 1400 years of human history.  The proof is that Christians are not free to worship as they please in nations subject to Muslim rule (Sharia law).  

These are among the forces at work against the Cross.  What can we do?

First, be proud of our Judeo-Christian heritage, embrace the common things that Christians believe, rather than the differences between Christian denominations. 

Second, show our peers, children and grandchildren by example that the Cross is still relevant and essential in our lives. Teach the Cross. 

Third, recognize that Sharia Law and the Cross are not compatible.

Or, wonder what we will do when the Crosses are gone!                                                (December 2011)

Obama was elected on a promise to fundamentally change our nation. He is succeeding!  And our nation may not survive as a constitutional Republic.  Although Obama gets “credit” for a litany of things (Czars, failed bailout and stimulus, record deficits, failing economic recovery and energy policy, peace through apologizing, and more), his signature accomplishment is Obamacare, the federal takeover of the health care industry and one-sixth of the Nation’s economy. 

When Nancy Pelosi was pushing for approval of Obamacare, she famously said “We have to approve the bill to see what’s in it!”  Well folks, we’re beginning to find out some of the powers that apparently flow from  Obamacare.  For example...The power to dictate all aspects of healthcare. The power to run roughshod over the freedom of religion. The power to unilaterally dictate any aspect of our lives!

Of course, I’m talking about Obama’s requirement that religious institutions provide services that are contrary to their religious beliefs. At the moment, the issue involves primarily the Catholic Church and provision of free contraception, sterilization and morning-after abortifacients in medical coverage plans for employees. By dictate, Obama is forcing such medical coverage. By dictate and decree!  In response to pushback by the Catholic Church, Obama asserted that he resolved the issue by requiring that the insurance companies pay for the services rather than the Catholic institutions.  This “solution” is both audacious and absurd. Obama is still mandating that the services be provided and is    attempting to seduce the Catholic Church into believing it’s okay because they aren’t paying for it. Here’s a question.   Who pays? And how does this resolve the ethical      dilemma for the Catholic Church?  Absurd!

But the problem is far bigger than this particular issue. If Obama can require the Catholic Church to provide such services contrary to their doctrine, why not abortion?  If Obama can require such things of the Catholic Church, why not similar requirements on other churches or institutions on issues not yet imagined? (Except in the minds of the “progressive” Czars running the government.)  What we are seeing here is a direct attack on our freedoms! In this case it is our religious freedom (hardly a trivial matter)!   But who can doubt there is no limit to the things that Obama will attempt to dictate.

That’s why it’s important for everyone to become well informed on this issue. It’s not just an issue involving the Catholic Church. The basic issue is, “From whence, in our constitutional Republic, does the president have power to dictate such things?” Does it in fact, reside in Obamacare?  If Yes, it is absolutely clear that Obamacare must be repealed.  If it is not in Obamacare, it is even more frightening because that means that Obama is doing it unilaterally, acting as a total dictator! 

When did you sign on to living in a dictatorship?  What are you going to do about it? 

Deficits and Debt

Obama Has Failed

Drill Here - Drill Now - Pay Less

The reality of $4 gasoline is here to stay, with prospects of $6-7 prices (or higher)  leading to a recession driven by rising energy prices. Folks, isn’t it about time we really get energized about energy! 

I offered a comprehensive plan for our energy problem in the June issue editorial “Gas Pains.”  Its elements are:  (1) produce more of our own oil and gas; (2) develop and use our vast deposits of coal; (3) continue conservation efforts; and (4) increase our use of proven alternative energy sources (nuclear, wind, and ethanol produced from non-food sources).  I stand by that plan, but would like to concentrate in this column about #1, producing more of our own oil and gas.

Folks, we have lots of undeveloped oil and gas!  We have huge deposits off the east and west coasts, and in the Arctic Natural Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) on the north slope of Alaska.  We have huge new finds in North Dakota and Montana (the Bakkan Shale formation with billions of barrels of recoverable oil).  We have previously discovered vast deposits of shale oil in states like Wyoming. 

Folks, we could be drowning in our own oil and gas!  But we aren’t!  Instead, we are mired in a mix of environmental opposition and political grandstanding that has paralyzed the development of our own oil and gas.  Yet we are willing to pay over $140 per barrel to the other oil producing countries, and watch our nation’s wealth fund our political and religious enemies in the mid-east and elsewhere.

Folks, it’s not the oil companies!  The oil companies would love to produce our own oil and gas.  But they are not allowed to drill.  The potential oil leases off the east and west coasts have been off limits by Presidential Executive Order and Congressional prohibitions.  On July 14 President Bush removed the Executive ban.  But the leadership of the Democratically controlled Congress has steadfastly refused to consider removing the Legislative ban.  This while you are paying $4 per gallon to go dancing!

The Democrats say, “You can’t drill your way to energy independence.”  Folks, they are flat out wrong!  Combined with all the elements of the plan outlined above, producing our own oil and gas is the only way to energy independence.  Democrats also say, “Producing our own oil and gas offers no short term relief.”  Again, they’re wrong!  While it may take 4-10 years to develop our own new oil and gas, the determination to do so would kill the speculation that is driving oil prices higher.  Nothing would stifle speculation more than a determined program by the USA to develop our own oil and gas!  But Obama is having none of it. And McCain is only a little better, having recently come out in favor of drilling off the east and west coasts. 

Folks, it’s time for grass roots America to take back our country, and demand that we produce our own oil and gas.  See the web site at  Sign the petition to Drill Here - Drill Now - Pay Less!  Then call your reps via 1-202-225-3121.  Call them weekly, because once is not enough.   Get energized about energy!


What's a Conservative to Do?

I am a conservative.  Socially and fiscally.  Therefore I am appalled as our nation lurches left under President Obama and the Democratically-controlled Congress. 

I am appalled by the immense deficit spending under the guise of stimulus, while Obama uses the “crisis” to take federal control of our economy by destroying the free enterprise system.  I am appalled by the intent of Obama to drive up the cost of energy (your gas and electrical bills) by taxing carbon based energy sources out of existence.  I am appalled by Obama’s intent force us into socialized medicine, to increase the power of unions with “card-check” legislation, to remove all restrictions on abortion, to increase gun control and make ammunition difficult to obtain, to silence conservative talk radio, to promote homosexuality under the guise of “political correctness,” and to weaken our national defense by reducing the defense budget (while increasing spending everywhere else). 

Obama promised change, and pardner, we’re getting it.  It’s frightening!  So what’s a conservative to do?

Enlist now in the conservative cause!  Answer the call to protect our freedoms, just as Minutemen answered the call to establish those freedoms.  Embrace your duty to oppose this “change” to our nation.  Here’s how.

Stay informed.  Listen to talk radio.  Watch Fox News on TV.  Subscribe to the Washington Times ( a weekly).  Understand that if you hear it on any of the major networks and most of the cable channels that it has a liberal, pro-Obama spin. 

Speak out.  Your opinion has merit.  You have the right, and the duty, to use your opinion to influence others.  Look for opportunities in every discussion to introduce your concerns about the direction of “change” in this country, and your concerns. Also, speak out via e-mail. Take part in “tea parties.”

Participate in the political process.  You are an important part of the political process.  Know your elected officials.  The names and phone numbers of your two U.S. Senators and your Congressional Representative  should be posted by your phone. Use the national numbers, or better yet, the local offices, where staff are often more receptive to your calls.  Identify yourself as a voting constituent. Limit each call to a single issue, and keep it simple.  But call on every issue! Express your concern, and ask specifically that your representative support your position.  Identify your elected state officials too, and post their names and numbers by your phone.  Call them on state issues that are important to the conservative cause.

Support conservative candidates.    Help keep the Republican Party true to the conservative ideology of Ronald Reagan.

Support conservative causes.  There are many organizations working to preserve our nation, our Constitution, and free enterprise.  The Leadership Institute is one. 

And finally, do more that forward indignant e-mails to other conservative.  It’s a start, but not enough!  Do all of the above.  Conservatives, this is our call to duty!


The Best Choice

As a conservative, I have been less than thrilled by the selection of John McCain as the Republican candidate for President. McCain has been a maverick, much too eager to cross the aisle and team with Democrats while poking a stick in the eye of conservatives.  His McCain-Feingold  bill to take money out of politics has failed to do anything except restrict free speech.  His comprehensive immigration reform bill with Sen. Kennedy last summer would have granted amnesty to illegals, without ensuring that the border was secured first.  The list goes on.

But McCain is staunchly and consistently pro-life.  He has 22 years experience in the Senate, and understands international affairs.  He served admirably in the military, and is very strong on the defense of America and the war on terror.  He is pro-2nd Amendment (against gun control), and is pro-family (opposes homosexual marriage).  McCain understands that taxes should not be increased.  As President, he will appoint judges to the Supreme Court that will interpret out Constitution, not re-invent it!  On energy, McCain is coming along.  Although late to the party, he favors drilling for our own oil and gas offshore.  His opposition to opening ANWR may be softened by his selection of Sarah Palin (governor of Alaska) as running mate (because Alaska wants to open ANWR for drilling). 

His selection of Sarah Palin as running mate has rekindled the enthusiasm of conservative voters.  Sarah has a great family of five with her high school sweetheart whom she married after college.  Their 18-year old son enlisted in the Army Sept. 11, 2007, and was deployed to Iraq Sept. 11, 2008.  Sarah   is strongly pro-life.  Their infant daughter born in April has Downs Syndrome, so the Palins are walking the talk about pro-life.  They have three beautiful daughters in between the oldest son and the infant.

Sarah ran for Governor of Alaska as a reform candidate against a questionable regime.  She has implemented ethics reforms, cut wasteful spending, stopped the “bridge to nowhere,” and now enjoys an 80% approval rating in her home state.  She is an outdoors person, an NRA member, and pro-second amendment (against gun control).  In all respects, her record confirms that she is a fiscal and social Conservative.  In short, Sarah Palin is an excellent choice for Vice President!  And we are stoked!

It’s now even possible that the McCain-Palin ticket can beat Obama!   Folks, it’s important.  An Obama-Biden administration will be disastrous for this nation (see the Enduring Freedom article in the Sept issue).  And so we are strongly against Obama. But now the McCain-Palin ticket gives us Conservatives reason to be for the Republican ticket.  It rekindles our enthusiasm.  It gives us hope!  Hope that the Republicans can win!

And folks, it’s important.  An Obama victory will sweep in liberals to Congress,  to the state legislatures and Governorships across the nation, and to all the judicial races right down to the local level.  We can’t let that happen.  Now there is hope!


A year ago, this Nation elected Obama President in a nearly “perfect storm” of:   our captivation by the personality and charm of Obama; media bias; dissatisfaction with Bush; unprecedented banking and corporate failures; a lackluster Republican candidate; and the allure of having the first-ever black President. This “perfect storm” swept Democrats into strong control of Congress too.   Now we are beginning to pay the price of that “perfect storm.”  It’s a good time to review why I oppose Obama, and why we should all be concerned about our Republic.  Obama was elected on his promise to fundamentally change America, and that change is underway.

Excessive Executive:  He began by increasing the power of the Executive by naming over 32 “Czars” to positions of power in his Administration, avoiding the Constitutional requirement for the Senate to “advise and consent” on high level Executive positions.  Most of these Czars are socialists, at least one an outright communist.  These Czars are a power grab to embed socialism into our government.

Takeover of banks and auto industry:  Acting in accord with his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel (“You never want to waste a good crisis”), Obama gained control of several major banking institutions and two major auto companies via the $700 billion “bailout” package.  Obama continues to use this power to wield federal government control over the economy. 

Stimulus not working:  The $800 billion stimulus package has not worked.  The “jobs created or saved” by the stimulus has become a laughing stock, there are numerous examples of ridiculous projects and waste, and unemployment has continued to rise, now over 10%. 

Record deficits:  The combination of the bailout and stimulus package, plus reduced tax income as the economy sags, is producing record deficits that stagger the imagination, destroy our nation’s credit (now in danger of being downgraded to an AA rating), weaken the dollar in international standing, and indebt our grandchildren forever.  And this is before the…

Health Care takeover:  About to be passed by Congress, which will add trillions to our future debt, give the federal government control of one-sixth of the nation’s economy, and “break” the best medical care system in the history of mankind. 

Energy tax to finance socialist USA:  With the health care takeover complete, Obama will move to generate huge new sums of government income by taxing carbon emissions, either through “cap and tax” legislation, or by direct regulation via the EPA. This will further destroy our economy.

Peace through apologizing:  On the world scene, Obama is intent on apologizing for the U.S., bowing to foreign leaders, and dealing with Iran and North Korea by engaging them in discussions.  This won’t stop Iran from going nuclear, yet he continues to slight the only friend we have, Israel. 

Putting the US on trial:  By prosecuting the 911 terrorists in US criminal courts, providing a world forum for degrading the USA.

And the list goes on.  Obama-nation!

The first Presidential debate between Romney and Obama was revealing.  Romney was informative, presented his positions logically, backed up his positions with action plans, and was firm, concise, confident yet polite.  Obama seemed ineffective and unable to present any real plans to improve the economy or rebut Romney’s plans effectively.  The debate “introduced” the real Romney to millions of Americans and they liked what they saw.  For Obama, it revealed to many that without his teleprompter, “The emperor has no clothes!” 

Folks, “We the People” have a responsibility Nov. 6 to make a choice that will determine the future of our Nation.  The choice is between:  (1) Obama who believes we need “more of the same” as the past four years and more Federal government, and (2) Romney, a man with a plan to create jobs, get our economy moving, and re-establish respect for the United States among the nations of the world while reducing the size and growth of the Federal government.  Let’s look at these two choices in more detail.

Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan is “Forward,” which apparently means “more of the same.”  The same programs and deficit spending that have increased our Nation’s deficit to enormous levels.  Here’s a short list  of Obama’s accomplishments.  Economic recovery:   It isn’t happening!  With 47 million people on food stamps, over 8% unemployment  (~14% counting those who have quit looking), and new jobs being created below the number required to match population growth, America has dropped to 7th place (from 1st) in the global competitive rankings and had its credit rating downgraded.  Obama’s answer is to print more money!  Foreign policy:  Obama’s “Peace through apologizing” policy  and attempts to “reset” relations with Russia have made America look weak, encouraging the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Quaeda, resulting in upheaval in the Middle East, and Iran proceeding to develop nuclear weapons. Energy policy: Obama is killing coal, holding up natural gas, and subsidizing green energy programs, many of which are failing.  Social Service programs:  Obama has changed the fabric of America with Obamacare, while refusing to address the basic problems of making Medicare and Social Security sustainable for the future.Open communication: Obama promised an open government, and instead has cloaked it behind Czars, no press conferences, ramming through Obamacare, and cover-ups (e.g.; Fast & Furious gun walking, the terror attack on the Libyan embassy).

In contrast, Romney has a five point plan to address these problems.  (1) Cut the deficit; (2) Champion small business; (3) Energy independence; (4) Trade that works for America; and (5) The skills to succeed.  Check out his website for details. 

Folks, the differences between Obama and Romney couldn’t be more plain or more important.  Be informed, be patriotic, and choose for the future of America!​

Enduring Freedom

Greenwashing America

To “whitewash” is to gloss over or cover up vices, crimes, or to exonerate by means of a perfunctory investigation or through biased presentation of data.  Greenwashing is the same, different color.  And we are living the Greenwashing of America!

Before proceeding, let me establish my credentials.  I was raised on a dairy farm, learning to conserve the soil.  I remember WWII ration books, saving tin cans and bacon grease, no shoes or sugar, and doing without.  I was raised by depression-era parents, learning that we “use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.”  These conservative principles carried through into my adult life.  I didn’t buy a new car (only used) until well into my forties.  We lived below our means, saving every month, even through the hardest early years, and even now.  When I go fishing, I do “catch and release” (keeping only a few).  My point is that I am a conservative, and conservatives conserve!  That includes our planet!

As a conservative, I am alarmed that we are witnessing the “Greenwashing of America,” led by the terrible triumvirate of politics, education, and religion.  Here’s how.

Greenwashing politics is occurring at both the international and national level.  On the International level we are being pressured into signing the Kioto Treaty aimed at hamstringing the American economy by requiring that we significantly reduce our output of greenhouse gasses, while giving free passes to countries like China.  Domestically, the democratic controlled Congress is pressing for “Cap and Trade” legislation that would essentially do the same thing.  Protecting the environment will continue to be a political football in the 2008 elections, as all “Presidential” candidates oppose drilling for and producing our own oil and gas, or using our vast coal deposits. 

Greenwashing education is occurring every day in our schools (and on TV), as teachers brainwash our children to the supposed horrors of economic development and making a profit.  Here’s a question.  What is easier to teach?  English-Algebra-History-Civics, or “environmentalism?” Answer:  Environmentalism, because even the least competent teacher can teach it!  Global warming has become their issue and the battlefield, with our educators spreading the gospel that (1) global warming is a proven fact, and (2) that it is man made, from the emission of carbon dioxide from our sinful use of energy.  While the first may be true, it is almost certainly related to natural cycles.  There is no credible evidence that the second is true, only theories. Theories promulgated by those who subscribe to…

Greenwashing religion.  Yes folks, for many in the secular world, worship of the environment has replaced worship of God. It’s taken on all the trappings of a religion, with none of the Divine revelation (unless you happen to believe that God is speaking through Al Gore and An Inconvenient Truth). 

Greenwashing advertising on TV of Greenwashing products is another example.   We are living the Greenwashing of America.  Stand still for it, and you will be Greenwashed!

The Supreme Court

“The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court…”  (the Constitution of the United States, Article III).  “He (the President)shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, … Judges of the supreme Court.”   (the Constitution of the United States, Article II). 

Folks, we elect our President every four years, and get a chance to correct mistakes.  We elect our Representatives every two years, and our Senators every six year, and get a chance to correct mistakes.  Our Supreme Court justices are nominated by the President, confirmed by the Senate, and serve until they resign or die.  We never get a chance to correct a mistake!

With the pending resignation of Justice John Paul Stevens, Obama gets to nominate his second appointment to the Supreme Court (the first was Justice Sonia Sotomayor, confirmed in 2009).  The pending nomination and Senate “approval” process should play out over the next 2-5 months.  The Supreme Court convenes each new session in October each year, and Obama’s intent would be to have the new associate justice in place.

The Supreme Court is an extremely important part of our government.  The decisions made interpret the Constitution, and sometimes go beyond.  When they go beyond the Constitution (as they did in abortion, Roe vs. Wade) the Court can take the nation in whole new directions.  They can overrule the legislature or the executive, and essential become legislators themselves.  Their power is enormous.  This is why the selection of each new justice is so important.

The justices are all competent people, but they are also influenced in their decisions by their own values,  political philosophies and prejudices.  The justices can be classified as either liberal or conservative.  Liberals tend to believe that the Supreme Court should go beyond the Constitution to correct the perceived ills of our nation, and that the Constitution is a living document that needs to be interpreted to address the changes in our culture.  The Conservatives believe that the job of the Court is to strictly apply the Constitution to the issues before it, and leave the legislating to Congress.

The nine-member Supreme Court is currently about evenly split with liberals and conservative justices.   John Paul Stevens has been a strong voice among the liberal associate justices, which include Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Sonia Sotomayor (four total).  Conservative justices include Chief Justice John Roberts, and associate justices Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas (four total).  Anthony Kennedy is a swing vote, sometimes siding with the liberals, sometimes the conservatives. 

The new associate justice that Obama nominates to replace Stevens will be liberal.  The question is, “how liberal?”   And how vigorously should conservatives oppose the nomination?  If wildly liberal, conservatives in the Senate should oppose the nomination  using all possible means, including filibuster!   In so doing, they will also help slow down the Obama-Reid-Pelosi takeover of the country.

Jihad 101

The ongoing effort by self-proclaimed “moderate” Islam Iman Feisel Abdul Rauf to establish an Islam Mosque near the 9/11 site is renewing the public debate on the Islam religion, its role in the world, Sharia Law, and Jihad.   Rauf  maintains that the 9/11 Mosque project is intended to foster better relations between the West and Muslims. 

Frankly, I don’t see how!  It’s time for a short course on the Islam religion, notably the Wahhabi sect, and Jihad.

A Jihad is a holy war, waged on behalf of Islam as a holy duty.  The first great Jihad began after the Islam religion was established by Mohammad, and lasted about 700 years.  During this Jihad (which included the period we know as the Crusades), Islam grew to be one of the world’s great religions before  finally being expelled from the continent of Europe in the battle of Granada (1492).

The second great Jihad came with the Ottoman Turks, who greatly expanded Muslim territories and vanquished Christian Constantinople.  The Ottoman Turk Jihad ultimately fragmented, spawning the development of many sects, including Wahhabiism in the Arabian peninsula about the time of WWI.  This Wahhabi version of Islam has infected the religion, especially the Shiites.  Wahhabiism calls for the complete and total rejection or destruction of anything not based on the original teachings of Mohammed, and is best demonstrated by the actions of the Ayatollah Khoumeini in Iran and the Afghan Taliban. Its leader is now Usama bin Laden, the leader of the Third Great Jihad, who is Wahhabi, as were his 9/11 attack teams, 18 of which were also Saudi.

The Third Great Jihad did not begin with 9/11.  Their first great victory was the overthrow of the Shah of Iran, who was attempting to “westernize” his Muslim country and establish ties with the U.S.  Aided by the ineptness of the Carter administration, the overthrow of Iran was successful and the Third Great Jihad gained a base of operations and the oil wealth of Iran.  The plan for the Third Great Jihad is to replace secular governments in all Arab   nations with Muslim majorities.  They successfully assassinated Sadat in Egypt, and made multiple attempts on the lives of Hussein in Jordan, Mubarak of Egypt, and Musharraf in Pakistan.  Pakistan is a special target, because it has nuclear weapons.  Their goal is to eliminate Israel, and ultimately “the Great Satan” (that means us, folks!).

Yes, we are at war!  While 9/11 was “Pearl Harbor” for this war, it was preceded by many acts of terrorism.  These include the seizure of the American Embassy in Iran (1979), the bombing of the American Embassy in Iran (1983), The bombing of the Marine Corps Headquarters in Lebanon (1983), bombing of American facilities in Kuwait, Beirut, Madrid, and Germany (1983-85), destruction of Flight 840 over Scotland (1986), bombing the World Trade Center (1993), bombing of a U.S. Military compound in Saudi Arabia (1996),  and the attack on the U.S. Cole (2000).  All were preludes to 9/11. 

They have declared Jihad.  We are at war.

Tea Time April 15?

April 15 is tax day for United States citizens, and “pay day” for the Federal Government.  It’s the day that we all “ante up” to pay for our nation’s defense, our federal government in all its glorious forms and bureaucracies, our social programs and welfare, and of course the interest on our huge, out-of-control federal debt.  It’s a sobering time for any thinking American.  So it’s a good time to reflect on our government, deficit spending, and our financial and  political future.

Last year in April, a grass roots movement began emerging around the nation in protest of huge government, out-of-control spending, excessive government programs, and our “lurch left” into socialism.  These protests became known as “Tea Parties,” named after the original Boston Tea Party where colonists protested excessive taxation and control by the British government. 

The Tea Parties were not aligned with any political party, and politicians were not invited to speak.  Rather, the Parties were organized at the grass roots level by people like you and me.  They occurred almost spontaneously in may cities across the nation, large and small.  They were attended by citizens of all colors and party affiliation with conservative values and great concern for the direction our nation is heading. 

The Tea Parties were well attended and very successful, sending ripples of shock through the liberal media and entrenched politicians of all parties as they sensed they might be losing control over the populace.  Even more important, the Tea Parties did not disappear after tax day.  They kept recurring in various cities throughout the summer and fall, and have evolved into a forum  for the “winter of our discontent” as we look with great concern on the “great lurch left” underway in this nation.

The Tea Parties have become an outlet for our discontent and a voice for our concern.  In so doing they have become an important part of the political and social scene.  A part that I am proud to be involved with as a participant and promoter.  I  intend to continue to encourage, promote and take part in Tea Parties. 

But it is important that the Tea Parties do not try to become more than an outlet for our discontent and voice of our concerns.     They must continue to resist being a stage or microphone for elected politicians.  They must reject any attempt to be aligned or identified with a particular party.  And most important of all, they must not become a third political party!

Third political parties are doomed to the dust bins of history.  Presidential candidates like John Anderson (who remembers him?), Ross Perot, and Ralph Nader illustrate the point.  By siphoning off support, they essentially kill efforts to reform the two major parties.  In short, they help kill the very change that they would espouse and support!

So this editorial is in support of the grass roots Tea Party movement in this country.  Let’s keep it going.  Unaffiliated, free from control by politicians, and never appearing on a ballot.  It’s Tea Time, folks!


Congress enacted President Obama’s $800 billion stimulus (spendulous) bill, committing the nation to huge deficit spending that will haunt us for decades to come.  We are all in-debted! 

Fittingly, the massive spending bill was passed on Friday the 13th!  Pretty scary!  The bill passed in the House without a single Republican vote in favor (plus seven Democrats voting with Republicans against).  It passed in the Senate with three liberal Republicans joining all the Democrats, providing the magic 60 votes needed to override Republican objections.  So it is a Democrat bill.  It is Obama’s bill.  We are all in-debted!

Before explaining why this bill is so bad, let’s review some economic facts.

First, it is a fact that Obama inherited the economic crisis.  It is not of his making.

Second, while the causes of the economic crisis are many, the principal cause is the home loan debacle, a direct result of legislation and programs enacted under Presidents Carter and Clinton to make homes “affordable” to those that couldn’t afford them.  The result was Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, “zero down” and "interest-only” loans, and foreclosures, refusal of the Democrats to regulate the Government-sponsored loans in spite of repeated efforts to do so by the Republicans, and finally the bursting of the bubble last fall triggering economic chaos. 

Third, the current recession is not yet as bad as the Carter-caused recession of 1982, which Reagan overcame with tax cuts, not with spending!

Fourth, Japan tried to come out of their decade long recession with massive government spending programs, and failed!

Fifth, the cure for the Great Depression was WWII, not the great government spending make-work programs of FDR in 1933-39, which most economists believe prolonged the depression.

So history says that government spending doesn’t work!  Yet the major part (~$500 billion) of the stimulus bill is spending. It’s the biggest spending spree in the history of mankind, a bill over 1000 pages long, drafted in back rooms, passed in a few days without hearings, with most Congressman not even having time to read the bill.  In this accelerated process, Obama and the Democrat leaders ran roughshod over Obama’s pledge to have an open and transparent administration.  Surprise!

I could rail against “details,” such as $2 billion for ACORN, and $8 billion for Sen. Reid’s pet project of a “supertrain” from Disneyland to Las Vegas (no pork, eh?), but there isn’t space.  The ~$500 billion spending simply staggers the mind!  Sen. McCain has called it “generational theft,” passing a huge debt onto subsequent generations. 

What do I support?  I support the proven remedy of tax cuts, unleashing the economic dynamo of American ingenuity and free enterprise.  I support extension of the Bush tax cuts.  I support the 12 point plan outlined by Newt Gingrich at  I support what has worked in the past! 

But we are on a spending spree.  And in-debted to Obama.

How the Grinch is Stealing America

It’s the time of year that many of us recall the 1957 Dr. Seuss classic “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” which became a TV hit in  1966.  We all warm to the ending when the Grinch’s heart grows three sizes.  Such is the stuff of whimsy, and it has it’s place.  But here in the real world, the real Grinch is stealing the country we love.  The real Grinch is atheist billionaire George Soros.  It’s time you meet him.

George Soros is an extremely successful 80-year old Hungarian born into a non-practicing Jewish family, who has achieved major wealth and world status as an investment financier, political activist, prolific author, and promoter of a unified world government.  He became a naturalized U. S. citizen in 1961.  But Soros is dedicating his significant resources and power to changing the United States.  He has said, “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.”  He also has said,“A flaw in the current world order is that only Americans have a vote in Congress.”

Now that I have your attention, let’s learn more about George Soros.  An avowed atheist, Soros told one interviewer that he believes God was created by man, not the other way around.  He believes himself to be  god.  He has said, “I am the conscience of the world,” and “I am benevolent just like god.”  He is known as “The man who broke the Bank of England” in 1992 when he made $1-2 billion with an attack on the British pound, apparently driven by both his one-world government vision (erode Great Britain) and the desire to profit while the Brits suffered catastrophic losses.  He has proudly acknowledged his role in this, asserting that such games are “a lot of fun.”  His mission is continuing.  In 1998 he writes: “To stabilize and regulate a truly global economy, we need some global system of political decision-making. In short, we need a global society to support our global economy.”

To achieve his vision, Soros contributes huge sums of money to start and sustain various organizations that further his master plan.  In 1993 Soros started the Open Society Institute (OSI).  Through OSI, many new organizations are funded.  These include: The Center for American Progress; Tides Foundation; Campaign for America’s Future; National Council of La Raza, ACORN; Apollo Alliance;  Center for Community Change; Free Press; and  These well-funded organizations are hard at work as a shadow government working towards Soros’ goals.  These organizations are very scary to any conservative.  Do you doubt these being a shadow government?  The Apollo Alliance wrote Obama’s Stimulus Bill!

Days after Obama was elected, Soros made public statements in support of a stimulus of 300-600 billion, and also called for cap & trade legislation.  Since Obama has been in office, Soros has made four visits to the White House.  As you read this, the Grinch is at work.  And I don’t believe his heart is growing... 

Stem Cell Issues

Confused about the controversy surrounding the medical use of stem cells?  Uncertain about how to balance the great promise of stem cells against protection of human embryos?  Here’s a primer.  First, the potential use of stem cells to combat disease and repair damaged organs is a very exciting medical frontier, with much promise.  Second, the stem cell controversy is unnecessary, and all stems from the ideological debate over abortion.  Here’s why.

Stem cells are the building blocks of our bodies.  They are the “starter cells” that do become our skin, bones, organs, brain tissue, and every part of our bodies.  They hold considerable promise for repairing our bodies if they can be successfully harvested, harnessed, and delivered to diseased or damaged body parts.  There are currently four sources for stem cells:  Embryonic, umbilical cord blood, adult stem cells, and amniotic fluid (newly discovered this month in the fluid in which a baby is developing in the womb,).

But stem cells are not all equal.  Some have the potential to become “anything” in the human body, while others are restricted in what they can be.  The more primal the cell, the greater their potential.  Hence, embryonic stem cells (from the human embryo in its first days of development) have greatest potential utility.  Adult stem cells taken from an adult body are more limited in what they can become. 

Research is underway in the use of all four types of stem cells.  There is no ideological controversy about the use of stem cells from umbilical cord blood, amniotic fluid, or adult stem cells, because harvesting these cells does not involve the destruction of human life.  Further, most of the successful medical advances to date have come from the use of adult or umbilical stem cells. 

Use of embryonic stem cells is the source of ideological controversy, because it requires the destruction of the human embryo.  Pro-lifers see this as the destruction of human life, thus very objectionable on ethical and moral grounds.  Pro-lifers also point out that the use of embryonic stem cells has been clouded by development of tumors, a problem not being encountered with the other stem cell sources.

Advocates of embryonic stem cells believe that the potential benefits outweigh the necessary destruction of the human embryo.  They demand federal funding for this particular type of research, in addition to privately funded research now underway.  This demand for federal funding is the source of all the controversy.

Federal funding of embryonic stem cell research would establish that the destruction of the embryo is justified.  It is a “pro-abortion” position, and abortion is the sacrament of liberalism.  Hence, the controversy.  But the controversy is unnecessary because the use of stem cells can proceed using the other sources, and embryonic research will continue with private funding. This is why President Bush will veto the bill just passed by the House of Representatives.

We must begin to reduce our national debt by reducing our spending.  What we spend each year is established by our National Budget.  That process is under way now, and will continue to play out over the coming year.  We cannot make good decisions for our Nation’s economic future without an informed electorate (meaning us).  We cannot be informed if the issues seem too hard to understand, and if the facts are obscured in the sound and fury of partisan politics.  That’s why it’s important to step back and see the bigger picture.  Here an overview. 

Bipartisan Budget Commission:  In December (after the elections), the Bipartisan Budget Committee appointed by Obama in Feb. 2010 issued their report, recommending a mix of spending cuts and tax increases.  Importantly, it boldly stated that we cannot solve our problems without changes to Medicare and Social Security!  Neither Party would support all the recommendations and it was not approved or adopted in the Senate! 

Extension of tax rates:  In December, agreement was finally reached to extend the “Bush” tax rates for two years. 

2011 fiscal year budget:  In April, agreement was finally reached on a budget for the current fiscal year (thru Sept 2011), averting a partial government shutdown. 

Raising the Debt Ceiling:  In the near future, our Nation’s deficit will exceed the $14.3 trillion limit established by Congress, and it will have to be increased.  This will be a big debate with political posturing on both sides.  There will be much sound and fury, but in the end Congress will have to increase the ceiling, as the projected deficit for fiscal 2011 is still an enormous $1.65 trillion!  

2012 fiscal year budget:  The major battle (war) looming is the budget for fiscal 2012 (Oct 2011 thru Sept 2012).  This will be the confrontation that pits liberals vs. conservative with competing visions for our nation.  It will be the War of 2012!

There are currently three different plans being formulated in this war.  

The Conservative plan developed by Rep. Paul Ryan, Chairman of the House Budget Committee - with a mix of major spending cuts and changes to medical care, Medicaid and Medicare, Social Security, and a simplified income tax.
The Liberal plan outlined by Obama in his speech of April 13 - with a mix of moderate spending cuts, continuation of major social programs, and tax increases.
The so-called “Gang of Six” (a group of six senators - three from each party) that will develop a plan based upon the Bipartisan Budget Commission.  

The first shots in the War of 2012 are being fired now.  Its outcome will determine our Nation’s future!  Be informed!!!                                    (May 2011)

America's Enemies - Abortion

There have been about 45 million abortions in the 33 years since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion.  This number dwarfs the six million victims of Hitler’s “final solution.”  After peaking at about 1.4 million per year in 1990, the abortion numbers have declined to about 850,000 per year.  Lest you think that is great news, it still means that about 10 little lives will be terminated in the time it will take you to read (and think about) this column.  At the peak of abortion, about one of every three pregnancies ended in abortion.  In a nation where contraception is readily available to all, one of every five babies is still legally aborted.  This waste of human life is abhorrent.

Yet we as a nation condone it, either denying the obvious biological fact that abortion takes an innocent human life, or worse yet, knowing that it is life, and not caring!  That’s the really frightening part, especially for seniors watching new generations with no respect for life take control of our society.  We have taught them life does not matter.  These are the people who will govern us as we age.

Consider some of the ways in which abortion is wrong.

First, abortion terminates an innocent human life.  That an embryo or fetus is a human being cannot be denied.  Women don’t have puppies … they have baby humans!  And the physical act of regular birth does not change anything.  Clearly, if it is human being after birth, it is human being before birth.  (National Geographic has produced a TV program about life in the womb that documents the development of the human in the womb.  Anyone who has watched this program understands that abortion takes an innocent human life.)

Second, abortion corrodes and destroys the moral fiber of our nation.  By placing zero value on unborn human life, abortion degrades the value of all human life.  It coarsens our society, and destroys our respect for life. 

Third, abortion is demographic suicide.  The fertility rate of our nation, which was about three children per woman, has dropped to two children per women, below replacement rate.  Our nation is in decline.  Of the 45 million babies aborted, about 20 million would now be productive citizens if they had been allowed to live.  Instead, we need immigration (mostly illegal) to survive. 

Many Pro-life organizations exist to fight abortion and assist those who need help.  Texas Right to Life (TRL) is one of the best!  The TRL web site ( is an excellent resource, and identifies over 200 programs in almost 100 Texas cities for those needing help.  Look them up on the web, or give them a call at 713-782-LIFE.  They’ll be glad to talk with you and tell you how you can help. 

This January we mark the 33rd year since abortion was unleashed on us by the Supreme Court Roe Vs. Wade decision.  America must face its enemies.  The enemy among us is abortion.  Will God continue to bless a nation that aborts its young?

Secure the Borders

The Europe of our ancestors is disappearing.  No folks, it’s not being flooded by rising sea waters from Al Gore’s global warming!  Rather, it’s being flooded with Muslim immigrants, many of them radical, intent on replacing the established governments and laws with Islam’s “Shariah Law.”  Old Europe is disappearing because its countries are faced with a declining birth rate due to abortion and lifestyle choices (reflecting the decline of the Christian religion) that result in birth rates below replacement value.  The economic need for population growth has resulted in open borders, through which the Muslims have flooded.  The Europe of our ancestors is disappearing.  Does any of this sound familiar as we look at our country?

Our nation made the right choice recently when the US Senate voted not to proceed with the “amnesty” immigration bill pushed by President Bush, Senator Kennedy, and the Democratic leadership.  The bill was seriously flawed because it did not do enough to secure the borders, first!

But now what?  Bill O’Reilly of Fox News offered the following plan in an on-air editorial.  It makes sense to me.


First, the southern border must be protected by at least 700 miles of barrier, backed up by a doubling of the Border Patrol. To assist those federal agents, ten thousand National Guardsmen would be stationed near the border.  That would effectively close the border to smugglers of humans and drugs. If you oppose that strategy, you do not want a secure border. Period.

Second, all illegal aliens currently in the USA must register with Homeland Security at their local post office. If they do not register, they would be subject to immediate deportation. After processing by the feds, the aliens would then receive a tamper-proof identification card, allowing them to temporarily work here.

Third, any business hiring aliens who do not have the government-issued ID would be criminally charged.

Fourth, all registered illegal aliens would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Those deemed by federal authorities to be self-sufficient, law-abiding people would receive the so called "Z-visas," giving them resident status, but not automatic citizenship. That would have to be earned over a number of years by complying with a set of obligations including paying fines, back taxes, learning English, and staying employed.

Any alien with a criminal record or who is unemployed would not be eligible for the Z-Visa.  That takes the blanket amnesty issue off the table and shifts responsibility to those who entered the USA illegally. They must prove they are responsible enough for citizenship.  Unfortunately, some on the left object to strenuous regulations for illegal aliens, but that point-of-view has no future. Most Americans, according the polls, will accept new compatriots provided the southern pipeline is shut down, and a fair penalty for illegal behavior is imposed

Secure the Borders First

In early June, the long-ignored majority of Americans fed up with our government’s failure to secure the border loosened a barrage of phone calls, faxes, letters and visits on their respective Senators.  As a result, the Kennedy-Kyl-Bush comprehensive bill to grant essential amnesty to the millions (12, 20, 30 million?) of illegal aliens already here was stalled in the US Senate.  If you were part of the effort to stall this disastrous legislation, you should feel very very proud! 

With your help we won this round, but the war is not over.  Backed by Bush and a coalition of Democrats, some Republicans, and employers, a comprehensive bill will be brought back to the Senate, and we will have to fight it again!  And again.  And again!!!

We should expect such attempts from the Democrat leadership in Washington, who see an unstemmed flood of immigrants as the sure-fire way to gain political control of the nation for decades to come.  What infuriates us conservatives is the push for this legislation by Bush and some Republicans legislators (see April issue Editorial, “Bushwhacked at the Border”).

President Bush and these Republicans don’t understand four major points.  First, for most legal Americans (of all races and political affiliations) securing our borders is the most important issue that exists, far more important than anything else, including Iraq, Iran, North Korea, the rest of the War on Terror, and all other domestic issues.  Second, we are not opposed to dealing fairly with the millions already here, and accept that those who are not felons or otherwise disqualified should have a path to citizenship, if that is what they want.  Third, we understand that this nation needs both immigrants and temporary workers to continue to grow and prosper, and it is important to provide for both in a controlled and fair manner.  Fourth (and most importantly) because of our government’s proven track record of failing to secure the border, we insist that the border be secured first! 

Do we have reason to believe that the government, left on its own, will not secure the border?  Well, Yes!  The evidence is all around us in the millions of illegals who cut our lawns, build our houses, do the entry level jobs, and fill our schools, emergency rooms, and jails.  The evidence crosses the border in thousands every day.  We know that our government has not secured the border as promised in new legislation last year, nor in the wake of 911, nor after the Amnesty of 1986 (which was to have cured the problem).  Yes, we have plenty of reason to doubt the sincerity, will or intent of our government to secure the border!

And until they do, we don’t want any “comprehensive” solution that repeats the mistakes of the past, promising control, but delivering only amnesty!

We’re fed up, and that’s why we flooded our representatives with phones calls, letters, faxes, visits and even demonstrations! That’s why we will continue to do so.  Until our elected representatives get the message.

Show us the enforcement!

The First Right

“And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for him in the inn.”  Luke 2:7

There have been over 47 million abortions in the 35 years since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion.  This number dwarfs the six million victims of Hitler’s “final solution.”  If 47 million is hard to envision, try 3500 per day, or about 12 little lives terminated in the five minutes it will take you to read (and think about) this column. 

Yet we as a nation condone it, either denying the obvious biological fact that it is a human life, or worse yet, knowing that it is life, and not caring!  That’s the really frightening part, especially for seniors watching new generations take control.  They have been taught that life does not matter.  These are the people who will govern us as we age.

While any abortion takes a human life, partial birth abortion is particularly reprehensible.   A nearly developed baby is extracted feet first, leaving the head in the birth canal so that the child is not “born.”  Then the baby  is intentionally killed by inserting scissors into the brain, and sucking out the brain matter with a catheter.

In the 1990’s, Congress twice passed laws prohibiting partial birth abortion.  In keeping with the Democratic Party pro-abortion platform (then and now), Clinton vetoed the legislation.  In 2003, Congress again passed the ban on partial birth abortion, and Pres. Bush enthusiastically signed it.  It was upheld by the Supreme Court in 2007 and partial birth abortion is now banned.

Some progress was also made at the state levels, where laws to require parental notification, ultrasounds, and other reasonable restrictions have been enacted.

But all this will change under Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress.  Obama has pledged that one of his top priorities will be to remove all restrictions on abortion!  Specifically, Congress will pass (and Obama will sign) the so called “Freedom of Choice Act.”   It will essentially prohibit all federal or state laws that in any way hinder a woman’s “right” to terminate a pregnancy after fetal viability when necessary to protect the life or health of the woman.  Since “health” will be defined to include mental health, abortion - in all of its forms and right up to the moment of birth -  will become the law of the land!  The law is likely to be interpreted that doctors who now choose not to perform abortions will be required to do so.  Many believe that religious-based hospitals (Catholic and more) that decide not to perform abortions may lose all federal funding.

Obama is also committed to repealing the Hyde Amendment, which is the law prohibiting federal funding of abortions.  Elections have consequences.  Obama will be the most pro-abortion President in history, and the Pelosi-led Democrat Congress will eagerly support him.

Will God continue to bless a nation that aborts its young?

Obama  Dictates  

What is an American?

A Texas Polka News subscriber recently suggested that the Enduring Freedom editorial address the topic, “What is an American?”  The more I thought about it, the more difficult it became.  We all think we instinctively know what makes a good American.  But putting it in a few words is challenging.  The potential traps include (1) creating a model so perfect that no one among us can meet the standard, and (2) our own built-in biases and prejudices that make it difficult to be objective.  But it seems worth a try, so here we go.

First, an American is proud of this country, proud to be here, proud of our history and heritage, and proud of what this nation has accomplished in advancing the freedom of mankind (worldwide) with our representative republic, capitalism and the Judeo-Christian ethic.

Not that we can be proud of everything in our history.  We took this land from the Native American civilization.  Slavery was an abomination.  Our founding fathers, although “giants” in the advancement of human rights, had their own human foibles and weaknesses, as do our leaders today.  The list goes on.  But the key point to remember is that an American proudly believes that we have done far more good for the advancement of the human race than we have done harm. 

This is where some critics among us fail the test of being American!  Those who see and spout nothing but our failures and weaknesses are so blinded by their own prejudices that they are no longer proud to be American.

Second, an American wants to remain being an American, or fervently desires to become an American.  Aliens in our country who meet this test have the makings of an American.  Those who do not meet the test can never be good Americans, and should not have the status of citizen, or the privileges and benefits that come with that status. 

One good way to test if a person wants to be American is their willingness to learn and use the English language.  There is nothing wrong with maintaining a heritage language, as many Czechs, Germans, Poles, Cajuns, Vietnamese and Hispanics have done.  But it is the willingness and eagerness  to learn and use English that is the first and demonstrable test of wanting to be an American. 

Third, an American accepts the responsibility of participating in the governance of our nation by taking an informed role in our electoral process.  Many native born fail this test routinely. 

Fourth, an American will defend this country by serving in the armed forces when the need arises.  Any who refuse to serve fail the test.

Fifth, a person who comes to America to take advantage of our opportunity does not try to “kill the golden goose” by transforming our country into the nation they chose to leave.  Those that do try are not American.

Last, an American has no difficulty rendering to both Caesar and God.  A major concern is that many of the Muslim faith do not meet this test.

Folks, the Texas primary election was delayed because of the redistricting lawsuits but it is now set for Tuesday, May 29.  The selection of a Republican candidate for President is the most important race on the ballot.  Because the Republican nominee is not likely to be selected yet on May 29, the Texas election will be very important!  By now, you know the candidates and can make your own selection. It is important that you select wisely, vote, and also be prepared to vote on the down-ballot races.  The most important down-ballot race is the selection of a Republican candidate for US Senator to replace the retiring Kay Bailey Hutchison.  Senators, once selected, tend to stay in office a long time. That makes this a very important race.

There are four main candidates in the US Senatorial race. Fortunately, all of them are conservative, pro-life, and of good character! The candidates, in alphabetical order, are Ted Cruz, David Dewhurst, Craig James and Tom Leppert.  Ted Cruz is the former Solicitor General for Texas (2003-08), the chief lawyer for the State before the Supreme Court and federal appellate courts, where he successfully defended Texas in many important lawsuits.   See  David Dewhurst is a successful business man and rancher who has been Lt. Governor of Texas since 2003, a powerful position including presiding over the Texas Senate.    See  Craig James is a conservative who made a name playing football.  He has a successful real estate enterprise, and has entered the public policy arena.   See  Tom Leppert is a successful business man (CEO) and former Mayor of Dallas.  He is a married, lives in Dallas and is a Christian (Baptist).  See

Of these four good candidates, we  think Ted Cruz is the best!  Here’s why. Ted Cruz is strongly conservative, strongly pro-life, and passionate about American ideals and being an American.  I have heard him speak and debate.  He is eloquent, organized and very impressive!  Ted has seen first-hand that America’s bedrock principle is the pursuit of freedom and opportunity. His father came to Texas from Cuba penniless at age 18, not speaking a word of English. He instilled in Ted the love of America, freedom, and the value of hard work in this land of opportunity. In college debate Ted won national awards for speaking and debating.  He graduated from Harvard law school Magna Cum Laude.  Later, Ted clerked for Chief Justice William Rehnquist on the U.S. Supreme Court, the first Hispanic ever to have clerked for the Chief Justice of the United States. He later also taught US Supreme Court law at the Univ. of Texas 2004-09.  He clearly is a self-made man!  Ted and his wife Heidi live in Houston, where he grew up, with their two young daughters. 

On May 29, let’s select a true conservative to be our new Senator from Texas.  Let’s elect Ted Cruz! 

Keep the Change

Obama promised change.  And pardner, we’re getting it!

Almost all Americans will agree that the economy is our big problem.  Perhaps even a crisis as the stock market has plummeted since Obama took office, and the nation’s wealth has suffered a staggering blow. 

Yet Obama is hell-bent on his plan to use the economic crisis as a tool to re-make the nation in accord with his socialistic far left views.  His Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has said it.  "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste."

First, let’s review.  The nation is in a serious economic crisis, the root of which is the home mortgage and banking mess triggered by the drive for “affordable housing” started by Carter and Clinton.  This resulted in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac creating “zero down” and “interest-only” mortgage loans for people who could not afford them.  The Bush Administration and the Republican Congress tried time and again in the period 2001-2007 to regulate Fannie Mae & Freddy Mac, and time and again were stopped by Democrats.    The bubble burst last fall, with the failure of banks, the drying up of credit, and the precipitation of a serious recession. 

Meanwhile, Obama campaigned on “hope & change” and was elected. 

But the immediate problem is fixing the financial institutions.  A common sense analogy helps.  The banking system is to our economy as electricity is to our lifestyle.  Electricity has become essential to our lives.    In like manner, banks provide the credit flow that is essential for all enterprise.  The banks must be fixed.  We must keep the lights on!

Although the first bailout package under Bush and the new Democratic Congress was intended to bail out banks and deal with the mortgage crisis, implementation has been delayed.  We don’t yet have the lights on!

Nevertheless, Obama and the Democratic Congress passed the $780 billion “stimulous” bill Feb. 13 to spend our way to prosperity (see March editorial).  On Mar. 11 they passed the $400 billion discretionary budget bill, packed with pork.  In spite of the crisis, Obama is proceeding with his plans to change America in the three major areas of energy, health care, education. Certainly these deserve attention.  But there is no agreement on how!  Conservatives and liberals have diametrically opposed ideas. 

Obama’s plans in these three broad areas will be extremely leftist, and hugely expensive.  For example, his push for new green energy while crippling the production of carbon-based energy (natural gas, oil and coal) with so called “cap & trade” regulations will cost trillions, and hamstring our nation.  Yet he has the audacity to say that it will save money!  He is making the same ridiculous claim about his health care and education proposals.  It is a total fabrication. 

Even more outrageous, he asserts that the economic crisis was caused by problems in energy, health care and education. Again, a total fabrication!  But he doesn’t want to waste the crisis, because he wants to change the nation.   For my part, he can keep the change!

The Economic Crisis

Our nation is in an economic crisis.  We are entering a recession of unknown but serious scope.  Financial pain and sacrifice seem certain.  As we go to the polls on Nov. 4, it is important that we understand how this all came about.  What follows is fact. Some won’t like it, but we must all learn from it.  While there is plenty of blame to go around, the principal cause of the economic crisis is the meltdown of the home mortgage market.  Here’s how it all happened.

It began with the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) in the Carter Administration, a well-intentioned law designed to encourage banks (and savings & loans) to meet the needs of the communities they serve, including low income areas.  It actually worked pretty well, until President Clinton put it on steroids in 1993 to require even more aggressive loan policies, with lending targets, government oversight of all banking institutions to require them to meet targets, and financial incentives to meet the targets. 

Two Government Sponsored Entities  (GSE) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were established to further the objective of making loans available to those who would not meet normal economic criteria for loans (sub-prime loans). Fannie Mae announced this new program in June 1999 (under Clinton), putting the sub-prime mortgage market into high gear.  What followed was a rush by lending institutions to make such loans (including zero down loans and interest only loans, with no income verification) so that they could meet lending targets established by the Government and be eligible for the bonuses (enter greed). New homeowners, home builders, realtors, and minority interest groups were all happy.  Banks bundled up the mortgages and sold them to Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac.  It was a heady time!

But big trouble was afoot!  The loans were not sound.  When the housing market turned down (as it always does), the homes were worth less than the mortgage.  With nothing invested (no down payment), owners walked!  Foreclosures mounted. Meanwhile, Fannie Mae & Freddy Mac turned into a scandal.  Fannie Mae Director Franklyn Raines (Democrat appointed by Clinton)  began “cooking the books” to misstate Fannie Mae performance.  He was ultimately forced to resign in 2005, but took with him $100 million in “bonuses” based on the cooked books.  He has not been prosecuted.  Instead, he is an economic advisor to Barack Obama.

President Bush tried to reform Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac in 2003, but the effort was killed in Committee by Democrats, still staunchly defending Raines and the GSEs under their slogan of “affordable housing.”  The Bush Administration made 12 different attempts to increase regulation of Fannie Mae & Freddy Mac, all rebuffed by Democrats in Committee.  John McCain introduced legislation to do it in 2005, blocked by Democrats.

Who is most to blame for failure of our Government to fix the problem?  Sen. Chris Dodd (CT), Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY), and Rep. Barney Frank (MA), all of whom hold key positions in Congress.  They are all   Democrats.  Remember that on Nov. 4th!

Jihad 101

Most of us believe that we are involved in a “War on Terror,” but really don’t understand our enemy.  We lack the insight of a big picture.  The following short course on the “Third Great Jihad” can be helpful.

A Jihad is a holy war, waged on behalf of Islam as a holy duty.  The first great Jihad began after the Islam religion was established by Mohammad, and lasted about 700 years.  During this Jihad (which included the period we know as the Crusades), Islam grew to be one of the world’s great religions before finally being expelled from the continent of Europe in the battle of Granada (1492).

The second great Jihad came with the Ottoman Turks, who greatly expanded Muslim territories and vanquished Christian Constantinople.  The Ottoman Turk Jihad ultimately fragmented, spawning the development of many sects, including Wahhabiism in the Arabian peninsula about the time of WWI.  This Wahhabi version of Islam has infected the religion, especially the Shiites.

Wahhabiism calls for the complete and total rejection or destruction of anything not based on the original teachings of Mohammed.  It manifested in the actions of the Ayatollah Khoumeini in Iran and the Afghan Taliban.  Its leader is now Usama bin Laden, the leader of the Third Great Jihad, who is Wahhabi, as were his 9/11 attack teams, 18 of which were also Saudi.

The Third Great Jihad did not begin with 9/11.  Their first great victory was the overthrow of the Shah of Iran, who was attempting to “westernize” his Muslim country and establish ties with the U.S.  Aided by the ineptness of the Carter administration, the overthrow of Iran was successful and the radical Muslims gained a base of operations and the oil wealth of Iran.  Remember “Americans held hostage” in Iran?

The Third Great Jihad plans to replace secular governments in all Arab nations with Muslim majorities.  They successfully assassinated Sadat in Egypt, and have made multiple attempts on the lives of Hussein in Jordan, Mubarak of Egypt, and Musharraf in Pakistan.  Pakistan is a special target, because it has nuclear weapons.  Their ultimate goal is to eliminate Israel, and ultimately “the Great Satan” (that means us, folks!).

Jihad is fought in two main ways.  First, by the use of terror, often in the form of bombs, kidnappings, beheadings, and assassinations of local officials and leaders.  Second, by populating a nation with immigrant Muslims, legal and illegal, to undermine the existing rule of law.  The nations of old Europe are being overrun in this manner.

To face Jihad, we must accept (believe) that militant Muslims intend to destroy us!  We must accept that they will not go away.  We must accept that we must fight for our survival, spending both lives and treasure throughout the world, and in this nation. 

So here’s two questions to ponder.  First, why would we quit fighting militant Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, or any other foreign country?  Second, why do we refuse to secure our borders to control the entry of our sworn enemies, both legal and illegal?

Meet Mitt

Obamacare…Does it Make Sense?

The Democrat-controlled Congress is bulldozing its way to passing Obamacare.  The question is, does it make sense?  Here’s a few questions to consider.

Does it make sense to turn over one-sixth of the nation’s economy to federal government control?  What federal government program (exclusive of the finest military in the world) gives us confidence that the government can run anything well? Does it make sense to do this all in the name of improving health care, when this nation already has the best health care system in the world, and nobody is actually deprived of health care (including the indigent, uninsured and even illegal aliens)?   

Does it make sense that Medicare payments to providers (doctors, clinics and hospitals) can be reduced by $500 billion as the legislation does without rationing (cutting back on) your health care? Folks, look at your Medicare statements, and see how little the health care providers (doctors, etc.) are paid right now in proportion to their bills!  Does it make sense that these payments can be reduced further (as proposed) without existing doctors leaving the profession, and potential new doctors deciding not to enter medicine?

Does it make sense that as these doctors are either not replaced or replaced by ill-trained foreigners that your health care will not suffer? Does it make sense to pretend that you are reforming health care without doing anything to implement tort reform (as we successfully did in Texas) to limit outrageous lawsuits and the huge liability insurance costs they impose?  Does it make sense that all Medicare Advantage Plans (the plans that many seniors have because they are far superior to straight Medicare) can be eliminated (as the bill requires) without adversely affecting the health care of those under these plans?

Does it make sense that the cost estimates for the Democrat-sponsored legislation are based on conceptual language (rather than an actual bill), for the purposes of deliberately understating the costs? Does it make sense that the estimated increased income from taxing the so called “Cadillac” health plans can be projected to continue indefinitely (as the cost estimate does), when those plans will disappear because employers will stop the plans, rather than pay the high tax?  Does it make sense that uninsured persons can be forced to buy health insurance as the legislation requires? 

Does it make sense to credit the legislation with recovering billions in fraud, when that recovery should be going on now?Does it make sense that we are told Obamacare is urgent, when it won’t take effect until 2013, after the 2012 elections?  These are just a few of the questions for you to consider.  If they don’t make sense, then you should be opposing Obamacare by voice, pen and public opposition.  Now!  Before it’s too late!

Stop the Insanity

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has rammed the “Obamacare” health control bill through the House of Representatives by a close vote of 220 to 215, with 39 Democrats joining the Republicans in opposition to a bill that will ruin our health care system.  The brave action by 39 Democrats (defying    Pelosi) means that opposition to the bill is clearly bi-partisan!  Remarkable, and telling! But now the action shifts to the Senate, which will be under strong pressure to pass a similar bill before the end of the year.  If passed, the resulting legislation will fundamentally alter our Republic by putting the government in control of one-sixth of our economy, and in so doing, your health care.

Taking over health care is Obama’s top priority, but right behind is a huge new tax on carbon emissions known as “cap and trade.”  The idea is to generate hundreds of billions of dollars in new tax revenue by penalizing the emission of carbon.  Energy costs (gas, electricity) will increase  dramatically as a result, and the already struggling economy will take another huge hit.  The House is  already developing this legislation. 

Lurking behind health care and “cap & trade” are immigration reform (amnesty) and “card check” legislation to help unions.  Meanwhile, we continue to worship the false God of diversity, and will not confront terrorism, or even call it what it is! Madness!  Insane! How can we help stop the insanity?

Stay informed.  Listen to talk radio.  Watch Fox News on TV.  Subscribe to the Washington Times (a weekly).  Understand that anything you hear on the major networks and most of the cable channels has a liberal, pro-Obama spin. 

Speak out.  Your opinion has merit.  Look for opportunities in every discussion to voice your concerns about the direction this country is heading. Send new e-mails.

Participate in the political process.  Know your elected officials.  The names and phone numbers of your two U.S. Senators and your Congressional Representative  should be posted by your phone.  Use the national numbers, or better yet, the local offices, where staff are often more receptive to your calls.  Identify yourself as a voting constituent. Limit each call to a single issue, and keep it simple as respectful.  But call on every issue!  Don’t know your reps?  See

Support conservative candidates.  Vote for and contribute money to candidates of any party who stand for traditional conservative fiscal and social values.

Support conservative causes.  There are many organizations working to preserve our nation, our Constitution, and free enterprise.  The Leadership Institute is one.  Check it out at

Become a part of the “tea party” movement.  This non-partisan citizen-led effort is an excellent way to show your concern. Stand up and stand out!  Gather with people who think like you.  Send a message to the media and legislators.  Just Google “Tea Party” for info on activities near you.  Be a 2010 minute-man!

America's Enemies - The ACLU

“I am for socialism, disarmament and ultimately for abolishment of the state itself as in instrument of violence and compulsion.  I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and sole control by those who produce wealth.  Communism is the goal.”

O.K. folks, who said it?  Lenin perhaps, or Stalin?  Castro?  Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez?  No folks, we have to look closer to home – within our own society.  It was Roger Nash Baldwin (1884-1981), the founder of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).  And the organization that he founded in the first half of the 20th century continues to be a threat to our nation, under the guise of protecting our freedoms. 

Barely a week goes by that we don’t hear of some outrageous action by the ACLU.  Whether its attempting to force the Boy Scouts to authorize homosexual leaders, restricting prayer in public settings, fighting the death penalty, promoting gay and lesbian “normality” under the guise of “rights,” promoting open borders under the guise of “immigrant’s rights,” undermining penal institutions under the guise of “prisoner’s rights,” weakening national security under the guise of “individual rights,” and on and on.  Think I’m making this up?  Go to their web site, and read the cleverly packaged Issues summaries.  The attack on all our institutions is apparent, all under the guise of protecting our freedoms.

My answer?  Our Constitution has done a mighty fine job protecting my freedoms, and I don’t need the complete reworking of our institutions, thank you very much!

Is it possible for Government to infringe upon our freedoms?  Absolutely!  Do we have to be ever vigilant through our legislatures and courts against the abuse of power?  You bet!

But is the ACLU our true ally in this?  Not the way I see it!  Not when they defend child molestation advocates.  Not when they try to deny our Armed Forces from recruiting in High Schools. 

Back in the 1930s, Congress investigated the ACLU and found them to be closely associated with the Communist Party.  Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly writes that the ACLU “is still using the Baldwin’s strategy, wrapping itself in the flag and defending the rights of ‘folks.’  Unless of course the folks are Christians, Boy Scouts, parents who want to know if their underage daughters are having abortions, or concerned Americans who want sexual predators who hurt children held accountable.”

O’Reilly is right.  The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.  And the organization that Baldwin founded is our enemy!

The Party’s Over?

It may not yet be time to “turn out the lights,” but folks, it’s beginning to look like the Party’s Over.  I’m talking about “Party Time USA,” as we have enjoyed the highest standard of living and prosperity in the history of mankind, and a leadership position in the world.   It may all be coming to an end as our nation spends its way into enormous debt which will lead to future financial chaos.  We are apparently unwilling to face the fact that the mortgage is coming due!

Major federal deficits began in 2002, resulting from the financial impact of nine-eleven on the economy coupled with the cost of the war on terror.  The deficit averaged about $280 billion per year in the period 2002-07, and increased to about $420 billion in 2008 as a result of the financial turndown and the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.  Bad enough.  But the deficit for 2009 is about $1,800 billion, and projected deficits for the next several years are ~$1,000 billion.  Enormous numbers!  Numbers that defy understanding, that will stagger the economy, and that perhaps can never be repaid.  Keep in mind that these are the annual deficits.  Each deficit adds to the national debt, which now stands at about $12,000 billion.  (I’m using billions, because nobody can comprehend trillions!)

There is nothing inherently wrong with prudent deficit spending and a national debt.  After all, we all borrow money to buy homes and cars or get an education, and our schools and governing agencies borrow money (sell bonds) to build infrastructure. Prudent borrowing is good for us, and for the economy.  But we must be able to pay it back.  When you can’t ever pay it back, you go into default.  In short, you’re bankrupt!  Ruined.  And that’s what we are facing as a nation.  Like never before in our history.

Because our spending is so enormously out of control.  Spending on such things as national security; entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare and prescription drugs; bailout programs for failed financial institutions and companies, the “stimulus spending” program; and the steady, relentless unbridled growth in the size and cost of the federal government. 

Hanging over our heads is the threat of increased deficit spending associated with Obamacare, and enormous costs to convert to clean energy (when it is not at all clear that man-made global warming exists or that fossil fuels are the cause).  Worst of all, Social Security is going broke, as the outlays increase while the “pay-in” declines.  We’ve known this huge problem was coming, but refused to address it (Bush tried, but the nation wouldn’t listen). 

One of two things will happen.  Either we will go into complete financial meltdown, throwing the US (and probably the world) into economic meltdown; or we will elect people who will face the issue, and put us on a very painful program of reduced federal spending.  The second choice is preferred, but our lives will be changed.  There will be sacrifices.  It ain’t gonna be pretty. I think the Party’s Over!


The liberal left and the media are hell-bent on convincing us that the United States is a flawed - yes even evil - country.  TV documentaries show us the personal flaws of our nation’s founders,  rather than what they accomplished in establishing the greatest nation in the history of the world.  Elementary school students are taught what’s wrong with our country, rather than what’s right.  Liberal and socialist college professors indoctrinate their students on the evil of capitalism.  Obama apologizes for the U.S. around the world.  Their mission is to convince us that we are bad, and therefore must change, to a more socialistic society.

Well folks, I’m not buying it!  And since July 4 is the celebration of our Independence, this editorial is dedicated to reaffirming what’s right about America!

Our Constitution is what’s right about America.  The Representative Republic established by our Constitution has allowed us to build a nation that is the model for freedom.  Under this Constitution and the Bill of Rights, we have prospered, established a standard of living unequaled in the history of the world, survived a great Civil War, lawfully eliminated slavery and given everyone the right to vote, survived two great world wars and emerged as the economic savior of the free world after WWII. 

The rule of law is what’s right about America.  Laws created by our local, state and federal governments govern our society, adjudicated by our system of courts.  This means that the playing field is leveled, and predictable, with protections against arbitrary manipulation.

Capitalism is what’s right about America.  Freed by the Constitution of despotic control by the federal government, capitalism has unleashed the creativity of the millions of Americans to seek to better themselves.  Capitalism provides the promise that with hard work it is possible to succeed, regardless of your station in life.  Capitalism inspires people to better themselves.  It is the root of the American Dream.  It is a primary source of our work ethic (since work is rewarded).

Our Judeo-Christian heritage is what’s right about America.  It has provided a moral compass for the nation since 1776. While the Constitution guarantees that there will be no established religion, a belief and reliance in God was strongly evident in our founding fathers; it has continued to guide the nation. 

Charity is what’s right about America.  We are a giving people.  We give to support a legion of domestic agencies that care for the poor, fight diseases, treat the ill, feed the hungry, support education, and much more.  We give foreign aid in massive amounts, both through our regular government programs and in response to natural or man-made catastrophes.  

These are among the reasons that America is both good, and great.

This nation has allowed this rural farm boy from Wisconsin to get an education, work my way through college, repay my school loans, marry and raise a family in freedom, and become financially sound by living below my means and saving. My story is typical.  It’s why I love America.  What’s your story?

Deficits Mean Doom

A guy wrote a letter to an editor, commenting about our government “spending like a drunken sailor.”  He objected to the bad-mouthing of drunken sailors, saying “I’ve been a drunken sailor, and when I ran out of money, I stopped spending!”  Even drunken sailors know when to quit.  But not our government!

Our Congress keeps spending and refuses to face the fact that Deficits Mean Doom.  Not all deficits of course, because prudent borrowing is a cornerstone of progress, whether in the public or private sector.  It’s how we get things done!

But out-of-control spending is a disaster in the making.  Folks, take a look at the chart below.  It shows our nation’s annual deficits for the period 2000-2008 actual, and 2009-19 projected (by the Congressional Budget Office - CBO, and the White House).

The numbers may be hard to read, but the length of the bars tell the story.  The post-911 annual deficits through 2008 were on the order of $300-400 billion.  Very troubling, to be sure.  But the 2009 forward deficits are double to triple that!  And I believe these numbers are without considering the huge costs associated with Obamacare!

Economists are warning us that this level of deficit spending is intolerable.  We simply cannot continue to mortgage our nation and our grandchildren’s future with uncontrolled spending.  We will end up like Greece, or the other European nations facing economic collapse.  The only difference will be that there won’t be anybody who can “bail us out.”

National economics is very complex, but the principles are simple.  Deficit spending occurs when the government spends more than it takes in.  The amount of money coming in is a function of the tax rates, and the strength of the economy (how many income dollars there are to be taxed).   It’s simple to raise the tax rates, but the catch is that raising the tax rates slows the economy, reducing the income dollars that can be taxed.  While increasing tax rates increases revenue in the short run, it reducesincome to the government over the long haul, because the taxable dollars diminish!  Conversely, lowering the tax rates cuts income in the near term, but increases it long term as the economy grows. 

But cutting spending is more straightforward.  That’s how you and I balance our budget.  It’s the key to getting control of our deficit.  But Congress (and this administration) refuse to do it!     On Nov. 2 we will decide the direction that this country takes.

Let’s choose wisely!

Previous Enduring Freedom Editorials

These "Enduring Freedom" editorials span the period from 
October 2001 (9/11) up to the 2012 election, Nov 2012.

The USA is in serious financial trouble.  We are enormously in debt, and digging the hole deeper.  Our government is spending funds we don’t have by borrowing great sums and by just printing money!  We have stumbled our way through an extended recession, and the recovery - anemic as it was - has halted.  We are in danger of another recession, perhaps already under way.  The hard economic times manifest in many ways.  But the most visible - and immediate - and important - and personal - is in the lack of jobs!  At least 9-10 percent of our nation’s work force is unable to find work.  (The number is probably much higher, because the statistics do not include those who have given up trying to find work!).

To begin recovery, we must control deficit spending, and add jobs.  Lots of Jobs!  We need 300-400 thousand new jobs per month.  Jobs will get people off unemployment, and they will begin paying into Social Security and income taxes again.  Jobs will restore their spirit, and increase their disposable income  so they become part of the recovery.  Jobs are the answer!

So how do we make jobs?  Obama doesn't have a clue!  Government stimulus programs don’t do it.  The failure of the stimulus programs to create lasting jobs is now obvious.  Increasing the government work force just expands the burden on the taxpayer, and can’t be counted as real jobs.  “Green” jobs artificially supported by government grants are not real, sustainable jobs.  Extending unemployment benefits or waiving payroll (FICA) taxes puts a little cash into the pockets of those affected, but not one of those people creates a single job!  With these simple statements, I have destroyed Obama’s Job Plan!

So how do we create jobs?  Jobs must be created in the private sector, so that people become productive taxpayers again! Private sector jobs are created by people who risk their own capital and reputations to start a business or perform a service, in the hopes of earning a living and a return on their capital.  They can be sole proprietors, farmers and shop owners, family-owned companies, small business, or corporations of any and all sizes.  The important thing is that they are not public employees, whose salaries must be paid by the taxpayer. 

So how do we keep these entrepreneurs in business, get them to expand, and encourage others to start similar new ventures? How do we turn on this engine of recovery?  One way is to make capital available to them with responsible lending from private institutions for qualifying applicants with a sound business plan (which means that they have a good plan to actually make a profit).   This has already been done to the extent possible by reducing interest rates to historic low levels.  

The second most important way is to remove the threat of excessive government interference via regulations and uncertain or penalizing tax policies.   This is where the Obama Administration has got it all wrong.  Their anti-business, pro-regulation ideology is preventing the creation of jobs.  This is why Obama’s plan will fail. October 2011) 

Gas Pains

America has gas pains.  At $3.50 a gallon, a tankful of gas costs $50-$60.  At $4+ per gallon for diesel, truckers spend over $1000 to keep our economy moving another tankful.  But energy costs are much more than what we experience at the gas pump. Energy is an essential ingredient of every product or service in our economy.  So the increased cost of energy is affecting us in everything that we do, every transaction we make.  It’s a universal and compounding tax!  It should help soften the blow that energy in America still costs less than half that it does in Europe.  It should help.  But it doesn’t!  We still have gas pains.

It’s easy to understand the problem.  World energy demand is exceeding world energy supply.  Demand is increasing because world population is increasing, and because heavily-populated countries like China and India are improving their economies, literally moving from bicycles to cars.  Since we rule out nuclear war, pestilence and genocide as solutions to the demand problem (smile here),  the only relief we can expect on the demand side is that the higher price of energy will automatically inhibit growth in demand.  This is good, because it is market forces at work.  But it won’t relieve our gas pains.  So we must look to the supply side for relief.  Common sense dictates that we would consider all the following options to increase our energy supply.

Produce more of our own oil and gas.  Allow oil companies to drill offshore on all three coasts, and in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).  Do it with due protection of the environment, which oil companies have shown is achievable.  And yes, unfetter oil companies, rather than punishing them!

Develop and use our vast deposits of coal, in two basic ways.  First, move the coal by unit coal trains to electrical generation stations, where it can be converted to energy without polluting the environment.  Second, build coal gasification plants to turn the coal into natural gas, which can be easily moved around the nation in our system of pipelines.

Continue conservation efforts.  While it is absolutely true that we cannot conserve our way to energy independence, every reasonable conservation effort helps.  Continue to mandate increases in automobile gas mileage standards, thereby encouraging development of hybrid vehicles along with improvements in standard engine vehicles.  Mandate higher efficiency ratings for all new air conditioners, and major household appliances (refrigerators, washers, dryers, etc.)

Increase our use of proven alternative energy sources.  This includes electricity generation from nuclear power and wind farms, and ethanol produced from non-food sources (but not from corn, see May column).

Now, what are the chances that we will take such a path to increasing our energy supply?  Not good!  The entire issue is very political, and the environmentalists will oppose everything except conservation.  But the first step is an educated public.  In the long run, that may be the only way to relieve our gas pains.

About Thanks... and Giving  (Nov 2013)

I Believe...

Readers of this monthly opinion column are appreciated, regardless of whether they agree, disagree, or are just curious.  Our opinions are based on our beliefs.  As we go to the polls for the most important election in my lifetime, a decent respect for your opinion suggests that I share with you the things I believe.

I believe in God.  While my introduction to God is via my Catholic upbringing, my belief in God is based on the wonders of creation, the infinite micro-world of the atom, the breathtaking macro-world of the universe, the extraordinary mystery of life itself, the wonders of the human body, and by the emotion of love, which at one time or another in our lives has overpowered us all, and remains a foundation for all that we do that is good.

I believe in one God.  There is either one God, or no God!  There cannot be multiple Gods.  There are many religions, because religions are invented by man to help our understanding of God.  I believe that God is love.  It follows that I believe in the religion of love, Christianity.  I have problems with any religion of hate.  I have major problems with a religion that considers all non-believers infidels, and that sanctions their repression, or worse.

I believe in the sanctity of life.  Life must be protected, particularly innocent life.  Therefore I am against abortion.  But I also believe that actions to protect innocent life can include capital punishment.  And I support a right to refuse medical treatment when prolonging life by artificial means is inconsistent with our own mortality as designed by God.  Clearly, there is a right to die.  But this does not extend to suicide or assisted suicide, because both are an affront to God.

I believe in American Exceptionalism. Our nation, founded on Christian principles,   has advanced humankind like no other nation in history.  We have established a rule of law, overcome some of our weaknesses (i.e.; slavery), led the free world to victories over   Hitler and communism, developed nations through our foreign aid, and relieved human suffering through our responses to disasters.  We have been truly exceptional!

I believe in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  These two documents, the foundation of our Republic, have set a standard for the world.  They rank with the Ten Commandments and the Magna Carta as milestones in the advancement of mankind.

I believe in free enterprise and capitalism.  They have unfettered  the ingenuity of our people, and resulted in a standard of living unequaled in humankind,  clearly demonstrating the failings of socialism.

These are some of the beliefs on which my opinions are based.  These beliefs lead me to: (1) be a Christian conservative, (2) oppose abortion and all those who support it,  (3) support politicians and parties that work for free enterprise and capitalism (not socialism); American Exceptionalism; free speech (as opposed to “political correctness”); a strong defense; the right to bear arms; and a strict  interpretation of the Constitution. 

And so I will vote exclusively for conservative candidates on Nov. 2, and proudly so.  This means voting for Republicans.

Respect Life

Broke? (Part 1)

Is our Nation broke?  Are we nearing the point of financial and moral bankruptcy?  Are we close to losing our way of life?  I believe the answer is “Yes!”

Don’t get me wrong.  There is much that is right about our nation!  Our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Our free enterprise system.  Our Christian heritage and work ethic.  The fundamental goodness and charity of the American people.  The “Arsenal of Democracy” that defeated Hitler.   Our rebuilding of Europe after WWII, the GI Bill that provided education for the vets, and the ultimate    economic triumph of free enterprise and  Democracy over Communism.  I take a back seat to no one on the greatness of America.  We have been exceptional!

But I also believe we are teetering on the brink of losing it all.  It is the message I am compelled to carry.  After all, in his   storied midnight ride Paul Revere did not cry out, “There is much that is good tonight!”  Neither shall I!

Our nation is on the edge of financial bankruptcy.  Our government spending is out of control, the national debt is increasing to numbers that none of us can understand, and we have saddled future generations with a debt that is intolerable.  We are printing money, and trying to make it sound O.K. by calling it “quantitative easing.”  Unemployment is near 10 percent.  Only government grows.

The federal government is growing out of control based on programs already in place, plus the enormous pending bureaucracies associated  with Obamacare.  Both  Democrats and Republicans are to blame; both are guilty of unrestrained spending and growth of government programs.

It wasn’t always this way.  Our founding fathers had great concerns about deficit spending.  Throughout the 1800’s the government took measures to limit and repay the debt, including the Civil War debt.  The   nation still believed in fiscal responsibility, and thrived.  Presidents of both parties presided over balanced budgets.

But it changed in the 1900’s, beginning with the “progressive” Woodrow Wilson, who got the personal income tax enacted, and began his social programs to expand government.  The nation’s norm changed from a “balanced federal budget” to a new progressive concept,  “redistribution of wealth!”   While this was reined in temporarily under Harding and Coolidge, the progressives swept into power with FDR, implementing the economic theories of economist John Maynard Keynes.  Growth of the federal government and deficit spending was ensured!

Now we are facing deficits that blow the mind.  And our leaders (both parties) have been unwilling to cut the spending. That’s because we have been unwilling to cut the spending!  We have gone from wanting “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” to wanting utopia, provided by the federal government,  And we want it now!  We have met the enemy, and he is us!  

We are on the verge of being financially broke because we are becoming spiritually broke!  The solution lies within us, each of us!  (Continued next month)       (Feb. 2011)

The Case for Capitalism

"The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world"  (William Ross Wallace, 1865)

Sunday, May 13 is Mother’s Day. So it’s a good time to pay tribute to mothers, and think about why motherhood is more important than ever!

Mothers have the primary role in raising the children, and the first five years are the most important! During those first five years patterns are set, values are established, and attitudes towards life are created. The first five years are a continuation of the development of a human being that began in the mothers womb.  The mother’s role is critical.  This is not to minimize or overlook the role of fathers, and the family unit overall. They are important too.   But mothers are the front line in raising “replacements” that will help improve the human race.  Motherhood has always been a tough job! Who can doubt the sacrifices and difficulties of raising children in primitive conditions or hard times, and before the advent of modern medicine? But the challenges facing mothers seem more daunting than ever.  Let’s examine some of them.

Many mothers are now single moms, facing the challenge of raising children without a father in the home. This is difficult both economically and socially as the woman strives to be both mother and breadwinner. Many households with both mother and father elect for both parents to work, either out of economic necessity or because they choose to be a two career family.  These conditions make it difficult to perform the parenting role.  In many cases that role falls on daycare workers who are not at all qualified to perform this vital function.

The distractions and temptations are many! Begin with TV, which is filled with programming of dubious and harmful nature, ever ready to seduce and pervert the young and impressionable minds. Think about the great harm that is being done by stations such as MTV who seem to have the goal of displacing the parent, instilling secular values, and promoting sex.  Don’t forget computers, with Internet access to the wide world of anti-values in competition with the beliefs of the parent.  And then there’s our schools, teaching secular humanism, undermining patriotism, and replacing the 3R’s with the 3E’s (environment, ecology, and extracurricular).  Let’s not forget drugs, the ever present and all-destructive force waiting to destroy the life that the mother has created!

So what’s a mother to do?  Hang on to the things that have always worked. A belief in God, demonstrated by regular church attendance, beginning in the formative years.  Spend time with each child. Police and limit TV and computer use.  Home school if possible, or be involved and ever watchful of teachers and school.  Preach the dangers of drugs from an early age.  Do your own sex education, early and in the way you want it done.  Instill your own values by the life that you lead!  Finally, vote for those who believe in God, family values, patriotism, protecting innocent life, and the exceptionalism of the USA.  It takes a mother, not a village! 

Folks, we are all beginning to know Mitt Romney, and we like what we have learned!  The testimony of his wife Ann at the Republican National Convention gave us personal insight into Mitt’s character and values.  So too did the testimony of people whom he has personally helped with his time and talent over the years.  We have learned that Romney is a man of principle, good  values and exceptional character!

But can he be a good President?  Does he have specific plans for getting this nation back to work, grow the economy, cut the deficit, and reform the major entitlement  programs (such as Medicare/Obamacare) that are unsustainable and driving our deficits ?  The answer is Yes!  Mitt’s plan (available on his web site) has five major elements, each with specific action plans, summarized as follows.

Cut the Deficit:   Immediately reduce non-security discretionary spending by five percent.  Cap federal spending below twenty percent of the economy.   Give states responsibility for programs that they can implement more effectively.  Consolidate agencies and align compensation of federal workers with their private sector counterparts. 

Champion Small Business:  Replace Obamacare with real health care reform that controls cost and improves care.  Reduce taxes on job creation through individual and corporate tax reform.  Stop the increases in regulation that are tangling job creators in red tape.   Protect workers and businesses from strong-arm labor union tactics.   

Energy Independence:  Approve the Keystone XL pipeline.  Increase access to domestic energy resources.  Streamline permitting for exploration and development.   Eliminate regulations destroying the coal industry. 

Trade That Works for America:  Curtail the unfair trade practices of countries like China.  Open new markets for American goods and services, more...

The Skills to Succeed:  Give every family access to a great school and quality teachers.   Provide access to affordable and effective higher education options.  Focus job training programs on building valuable skills that align with opportunities, more…

Romney’s plan is real.  In contrast, Obama in his acceptance speech had no plan,   only rhetoric.  Rhetoric as empty as Clint Eastwood’s “empty chair” at the RNC!

But if elected can Romney pull it off?  My answer is Yes!  My optimism is based on:  (1) Romney’s proven record of success in private enterprise; he has proven he knows how to manage!  (2) His success (as an unpaid volunteer) in rescuing the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics from failure into an unqualified  success; (3) His success as an unpaid Governor of Massachusetts where he worked successfully with the Democrat controlled legislature to erase a $3 billion deficit.  Finally, in selecting Paul Ryan as his running meet, he has brought onto the team the man who has the vision, skills and courage to tackle the nation’s deficit and  economic issues.  On Nov. 6 make it Romney-Ryan!  

The Economy?

Polls indicate that the issue for most voters this election will be the economy.  Not for me.  My issues are (1) securing our borders, (2) supporting conservative ideals (and keeping socialism at bay) by voting for the most conservative candidates available, and (3) achieving a successful democratic government in Iraq that can withstand Al Quaeda, internal strife and Iran (when we withdraw).

But for most, the issue is the economy, or so we are told by the media and voter exit polls.  With employment at an all-time high, it’s a little puzzling why this is so.  Let’s see if we can figure out why. I must disclose that I am neither helped (nor burdened) by any schooling in economics.  So I can only try common sense. 

Common sense tells me that people are concerned about the economy because the price of food and gas has risen considerably, and it is hitting them directly in their pocket books!  Hence, the economy is “bad,” in spite of record employment, an unsurpassed standard of living, and low unemployment.  Understandable, so let’s examine why fuel and food prices are up.

Fuel prices are increasing because: (a) the world demand for energy (oil and natural gas) is increasing dramatically as nations of the world become industrialized, particularly China and India; and (b) because we have failed to devise a comprehensive national energy policy that makes any sense.  We can’t do anything about the economic development of the rest of the world (besides, it’s a good thing).  But we could do something about our national energy policy. 

Like what?  Well, the Democrats want to penalize oil companies, continue to prevent the production of oil and gas from the Artic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) or off the coast of anywhere, and forbid nuclear power generation plants.  They would try to solve the problem with conservation and clean energy sources (e.g.; wind, unless it’s off the coast of Massachusetts where Ted Kennedy objected).  This will not be enough!  But the Bush Administration has accomplished little, other than mandating the use of ethanol in our gas (more on that later), and increasing mileage standards for autos. 

What needs to be done?  Produce more energy from environmentally responsible development of oil and gas reserves, of our huge reserves of coal, and from nuclear and wind.  Couple this with logical conservation.  But higher fuel prices are a new fact of life regardless, and will continue.

But why are food prices rising?  Because the irrational rush to produce ethanol for fuel has almost trebled the price of corn! So the cost of all food from corn (both human and animal) has risen dramatically, increasing the prices at the supermarket.  It has also resulted in the U.S. needing to import wheat, which would be incredulous if it weren’t true!

So the issue this election is the economy, and yet the most important root cause is the rising price of fuel.  Isn’t it about time we demand a comprehensive energy plan? But wait!  What about global warming?  Glad you asked.  Stay tuned…

Obama Care

Folks, I hope you are aware that our government is leading us pell-mell to socialized healthcare.  Socialized health care will cost trillions, break a system that is currently working, and result in health care rationing.  To understand why, let’s begin with a review of our health care system.

We have the best health care system in the world and in the history of mankind.  The best doctors, the best facilities, the best technology.  It is available to all.  But it is costly.  Here’s how the costs are covered.

Insurance through employment covers most workers and their families. The costs are shared between the employer and the employees.  The COBRA plan provides for health care coverage between jobs.  Private insurance is available in a competitive market for those w/o employers.  Veterans are assured health care.  Medicare covers all seniors, and the permanently disabled of all ages.  Medicaid covers all those of limited means not eligible for Medicare.  SCHIP provides coverage for children not otherwise eligible for insurance.  Health care is provided to anyone presenting at an emergency room.  Costs are borne by the taxpayer (hospital district taxes) or absorbed by those who pay via insurance. 

The bottom line is that no one is denied medical care.  Not even illegal aliens!  The system is complex, but it is not broken!

Most importantly, the current system does not include rationing (except for organ  transplants, which are donor limited).  If we need the bypass, the hip, the knee, the chemo and radiation we can get it, when we need it.  End of life decisions are made between the family and the treating physician.

 But the system is costly, the result of having available the best doctors, the best facilities, the best technology, and no protection from outrageous lawsuits.  These costs are straining the finances of the current system.  And major costs are incurred in our final six months, by some estimates 30-50% of our total lifetime medical costs!

In nations where health care is already nationalized, this is handled by rationing health care.  Britain’s National Health Care Service can deny treatments it deems not cost-effective, and if you’re old or infirm, the cost effectiveness of treating you plummets.  In Canada, they do it by queuing.  You can wait forever for the hip, the knee, or the chemo.  Until you no longer need it!

But this is the system to which we are moving.  This movement is based on the false claim that we must provide insurance coverage for the estimated 45 million uninsured in this nation.  This estimate is bogus for many reasons.  More importantly, lack of insurance doesn’t equate to lack of health care, as pointed out above.  The “uninsured” argument just doesn’t wash.  Don’t fall for it!

Yet our government is rushing us towards providing a “public option” or “single payer” system run by the federal government.  Why?  To gain federal government control of health care, and hence gain control of health care costs.  How?  By rationing health care.  Better “get hip” folks.  While you can!

Alternatively, call your reps at 1-800-965-4701. You’ll need the name of your reps.

I Believe...

Readers of this monthly opinion column are appreciated, regardless of whether they agree, disagree, or are just curious.  Our opinions are based on our beliefs.  As we go to the polls for the most important election in my lifetime, a decent respect for your opinion suggests that I share with you the things I believe.

I believe in God.  While my introduction to God is via my Catholic upbringing, my belief in God is based on the wonders of creation, the infinite micro-world of the atom, the breathtaking macro-world of the universe, the extraordinary mystery of life itself, the wonders of the human body, and by the emotion of love, which at one time or another in our lives has overpowered us all, and remains a foundation for all that we do that is good.

I believe in one God.  There is either one God, or no God!  There cannot be multiple Gods.  There are many religions, because religions are invented by man to help our understanding of God.  I believe that God is love.  It follows that I believe in the religion of love, Christianity.  I have problems with any religion of hate.  I have major problems with a religion that considers all non-believers infidels, and that sanctions their repression, or worse.

I believe in the sanctity of life.  Life must be protected, particularly innocent life.  Therefore I am against abortion.  But I also believe that actions to protect innocent life can include capital punishment.  And I support a right to refuse medical treatment when prolonging life by artificial means is inconsistent with our own mortality as designed by God.  Clearly, there is a right to die.  But this does not extend to suicide or assisted suicide, because both are an affront to God.

I believe in American Exceptionalism. Our nation, founded on Christian principles,   has advanced humankind like no other nation in history.  We have established a rule of law, overcome some of our weaknesses (i.e.; slavery), led the free world to victories over   Hitler and communism, developed nations through our foreign aid, and relieved human suffering through our responses to disasters.  We have been truly exceptional!

I believe in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  These two documents, the foundation of our Republic, have set a standard for the world.  They rank with the Ten Commandments and the Magna Carta as milestones in the advancement of mankind.

I believe in free enterprise and capitalism.  They have unfettered  the ingenuity of our people, and resulted in a standard of living unequaled in humankind,  clearly demonstrating the failings of socialism.

These are some of the beliefs on which my opinions are based.  These beliefs lead me to: (1) be a Christian conservative, (2) oppose abortion and all those who support it,  (3) support politicians and parties that work for free enterprise and capitalism (not socialism); American Exceptionalism; free speech (as opposed to “political correctness”); a strong defense; the right to bear arms; and a strict  interpretation of the Constitution. 

And so I will vote exclusively for conservative candidates on Nov. 2, and proudly so.  This means voting for Republicans.

An Open Letter to Muslims in America

I understand you are 6 million strong, and growing.  We have seen you in your stores, talked with you in the motels and other small businesses that you operate, and passed you on our evening walks.  You dress differently, and your God is Allah.  But I have not perceived you as a potential threat.

Until Sept. 11. 

Now, I don’t know what to think.  I am willing, even eager, to believe that you are not a threat to the United States.  I fully understand that the fundamentalist Muslims who have declared war on the United States do not necessarily represent your views. 

Nor do I perceive your religion to be a problem to us in the United States.  Our Constitution protects your freedom of religion. More to the point, I personally fully believe that there is either no god, or One God.  If One God, we simply know that God by different names because He has made Himself known to us at different times and in different ways.  Hence Yahweh, Christ, Allah, the Great Spirit, and more. 

  1. But since Sept. 11th I have questions.  I believe I am justified in asking these questions. 

  2. Do you support the First Amendment provisions of our Constitution, specifically with regard to religion?  If yes, why is there religious intolerance in Muslim countries?  Would you support freedom of religion in this country if Muslims became the majority?  How do I know?

  3. Are you, or do you want to become, a citizen of the United States?  If yes, do you recognize the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America?  Do you ever recite it in your gatherings or ceremonies?
  4. If a citizen, how do you counsel your children with regard to serving in the United States military?  If the United States reinstated the military draft, would you comply?
  5. What am I to think of the two Islam leaders who appeared with President Bush at the National Cathedral in a show of unity, but have since been shown on videotape at previous rallies supporting the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah?

These questions are posed with an open mind.  I am open to candid answers.

​​The First 85 Days!

In mid-April we marked 85 days of Obama.  Let’s see what he has accomplished.  

Cabinet:  Obama has named pro-abortion, mostly pro-homosexual individuals to lead the various Departments of Government.  This was to be expected, a direct result of the Democrats winning the election.  What wasn’t expected was that three of the top designees had substantial issues with not paying their taxes, and others withdrew from consideration during the vetting process.  Do any of the elite Democrats pay their taxes?

Socialism:  In his campaign, Obama spoke about redistributing wealth,  a defining principle of socialism. He is making progress, first by appointments of actual socialists (Carol Browner, Lisa Jackson), but more importantly by taking over control of banks under the guise of economic stimulus (per Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel’s assertion that “You never want to waste a good crisis.”).  The large banks forced to take the bailout money are beginning to learn how the Government will run their business, while smaller banks, watching what is happening, are trying to back out (to their credit).  The takeover of General Motors is the best example, with GM now being forced into an Obama-directed bankruptcy, which will be designed to protect the union workers.  Then at the G20 meeting in Europe, he agreed to an international board with authority to intervene in U.S. corporations by dictating executive compensation and approving or disapproving business management decisions.   This is the end of capitalism!

National Security:  Obama has weakened National Security by acting to close Guantanamo (which will release many combatants); announcing that there is no more “War on Terror,” (but rather “Overseas Contingency Operations”);  dismissing the charges against the mastermind of the “Cole bombing;”  announcing via Homeland Security head Janet Napolitano that the Canadian border is our biggest concern (not the Mexican border).   This while blaming the US for the Mexican border problems by focusing on stopping the flow of money (and allegedly guns) from the US into Mexico.  Meanwhile, raids on US employers of illegal immigrants have been effectively stopped.  Now he has re-opened travel and flow of money into socialist Cuba (after members of the Black Caucus visited Castro and praised him).  He took no effective action when North Korea launched (tested) their intermediate range missile (the United Nations “statement” still pending probably has North Korea really concerned!)  He has announced his intention to have dialogue with Iran with no pre-conditions about their drive to develop nuclear weapons. 

Peace through Popularity:  On his foreign trip, Obama apologized repeatedly for the U.S. and got nothing in return!  

Still to come:  Eliminating the “conscience clause” that protects pro-life medical personnel; Card Check to eliminate the secret ballot in union elections; “cap & trade” legislation to limit carbon emissions; and major deficit spending on health care, global warming and education.  And it’s only 85 days!

Folks, we all think we know about Mitt Romney. But how much do we really know? Here's an opportunity to Meet Mitt. Willard Mitt Romney (65) is the son of George Romney, head of American Motors 1954-62 and Governor of Michigan 1963-67. Mitt was raised in Michigan, married his wife Ann in 1969 and they have five children.  Mitt is a Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints).  After high school he spent 30 months in France as a  Mormon missionary. He returned to earn his B.A. from Brigham Young University. He went on to receive his law degree (JD) and MBA simultaneously from Harvard University.  He passed the Michigan bar exam, but never worked as an attorney.

In 1984, Mitt co-founded Bain Capital, a private equity investment firm.  Starting with one small office supply store in Massachusetts, he turned it into Staples, now with over 2,000 stores employing 90,000 people. Bain Capital also performed the same kinds of business miracles with companies like Domino's, Sealy, Brookstone, Weather Channel, Burger King, Warner Music Group, Dollarama, Home Depot Supply, and many others, preserving hundreds of thousands of jobs.

He was President and CEO of the highly successful 2002 Winter Olympic Games,  donating his time (unpaid) for three years. In 2002, he was elected Governor of Massachusetts, taking no salary for four years while eliminating a $1.5 billion deficit.  He was an unpaid volunteer campaign worker for his dad's gubernatorial campaign one year. He was an unpaid intern in his dad's governor's office for eight years.   He gave his entire inheritance from his father to charity.  Mitt Romney is one of the wealthiest self-made men in our country but has given more back to its citizens in terms of money, service and time than most.  For example, in 2011 Mitt Romney gave over $4 million to charity, almost 19% of his income.  (For comparison purposes, Obama gave 1% and Joe Biden gave $300 or 0.0013%.)  Mitt Romney is trustworthy and open:  For example, he will show us his birth certificate.  He will show us his high school and college transcripts. He will show us his social security card.  He will show us his law degree.  He will show us his draft notice. He will show us his medical records.  He will show us his income tax records.  He will show us he has nothing to hide. Mitt Romney's background, experience and trustworthiness show him to be a great leader and an excellent citizen for President of the United States.

You may think that Romney may not be the best candidate the Republicans could have selected. At least we know what religion he is, and that he won't desecrate the flag, bow down to foreign powers, or practice fiscal irresponsibility. We know he has the ability to turn around the financial debacle that the current regime has created.  But, on the minus side, he never was a "Community Organizer", never took drugs or smoked pot, never got drunk, and did not  associate with communists or terrorists. He did not attend a church whose pastor called for God to damn the United States of America!   Who do you want to lead our country?  ​

Three years ago, this Nation elected Obama President in a nearly “perfect storm” of:   our captivation by the personality and charm of Obama; media bias; dissatisfaction with Bush; unprecedented banking and corporate failures; a weak Republican candidate; and the allure of having the first-ever black President. This “perfect storm” swept Democrats into strong control of Congress too. Obama was elected on his promise to fundamentally change America, and that change is underway (although slowed by Republicans taking back the House last year).  This is an election year and a good time to review Obama’s record.

Excessive Executive:  He began by increasing his power by naming over 32 “Czars” to positions of power, avoiding the Constitutional requirement for the Senate to “advise and consent” on high level Executive positions.  Most of these Czars are socialists, at least one was an outright communist.  

Failed bailout and stimulus: First, Obama gained control of major banking institutions and two major auto companies via the $700 billion “bailout” package.  He then forced through the $800 billion Stimulus bill which has not worked.

Record deficits:  Obama’s policies have produced mind boggling deficits that stagger the imagination, destroy our nation’s credit, weaken the dollar, and indebt our grandchildren forever.  We’re going broke!

Failed economic recovery:  The economic recovery that Obama promised has not happened! Unemployment is still at about 8.5 percent, not counting the millions who have quit looking for work!  The weak economy affects virtually every family!

Health care takeover:  Obamacare will add trillions to our future debt, give the federal government control of one-sixth of the nation’s economy, “break” the best medical care system in history, and result in healthcare rationing and loss of doctors. 

Energy policy:  Obama has continued to push for uneconomical and unproven green energy schemes, while hampering the development of traditional fossil fuel energy, and delaying development of necessary pipelines for oil and gas.

Peace through apologizing:  On the world scene, Obama has been intent on apologizing for the U.S., offending friends while defending enemies and dealing with Iran and North Korea by engaging them in discussions.  Yet he continues to slight friends such as Great Britain and Israel.

No respect for America:  Obama and his wife Michelle (the czarina?) continue to show disrespect for our country. They clearly believe we are fundamentally flawed.

Reducing the military:  Obama is intent on reducing the US military, as recently demonstrated in his announced budget cuts.

Flaunting the Constitution: Obama has continued to disrespect the Constitution, most recently by making recess appointments when Congress was not in recess.

Free pass by the media:  Obama is consistently given a free pass by the media. Remember “all 57 states?”

And the list goes on.  Obama-nation!  Vote November 6, 2012!                                                         ( February 2012)

When the Crosses Are Gone...

​Try God - the original 24/7/365!


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“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution,  nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. ”

(Revised 06/22/16)

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State of the Union

Our Constitution states (Art II, Sec. 3)  that the President shall “...from time to time give the Congress information of the State of the Union…”  This traditionally occurs in January, in the beginning of a new year.  In anticipation, I offer for your consideration this assessment of the State of Union.

Our Union is deeply troubled.  We are beset with a myriad of spiritual, economic, and security problems.

Let’s begin with the “spiritual” issues.  We are fast becoming a secular nation, leaving behind the belief in God, and the Christian principles that helped form our nation.  A large portion of our people are either ignorant of, or ignoring God.  This is one of the most serious problems we have, because we were founded on, and became great, based on a belief in the Creator, and the principles of the Christian religion.   No one has said it better than the Rev. Joe Wright.  Please read Joe Wright’s prayer in the article lower left.

Our nation’s economic problems are great, and threaten to destroy us.  We are broke!   We have burdened ourselves with a mountain of debt with unbridled government spending.  We are attempting to spend our way out of a recession by printing money!  Unemployment hovers just under 10% with no signs of significant improvement.  The new Obamacare will cost untold billions that will also have to be borrowed.  Our Social Security system is facing immense financial problems, with huge amounts of money involved.  In short, we are broke!

Our security issues are both from within and without.  Extremist Muslims are determined to destroy us.  They view us as the Great Satan.  They will use terrorism to attack us, both domestically and abroad.  They are a determined, steadfast enemy, that we cannot wish away.  Mainstream Muslims in the U.S. do not view us as their enemy, but there can be little doubt that their allegiance is not to our Constitution, or this country as we know it.  Their belief is in Sharia Law.   There is little doubt that growth of a Muslim population will change this nation forever.  Yet we refuse to control our borders!

So the State of the Union is deeply troubled and threatened by these spiritual, economic and security issues.  So here’s what we must do.

First, we must return to, defend and promote our Christian values.  America became a great nation because we were good. We were good because of our Christian values.  So each of us must become disciples of these basic Christian beliefs, and proudly promote and defend them in our daily lives.  In this regard, we have a new voice crying in the wilderness.  It is Glenn Beck.  I urge you to watch Glenn Beck’s  daily TV program. 

Second, we must face our economic problems by reducing government spending.  We must start now.  We enabled this process with the Nov. 2 election.  Now it is up to all Americans to require that their elected representatives reduce significantly government spending.  It will be painful!

Finally, we must understand that extremist Muslims are forever our enemy, and that we must control our borders. 

Or the American dream is done!      (January 2011)

About Thanks & Giving

“And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for him in the inn.”  Luke 2:7

"...if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”              Barack Obama, speaking of his daughters, Mar 08

There have been over 50 million abortions performed in the United States in the 39 years since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion on Jan 22, 1973.  The rate of abortion continues at about 1.2 million per year. One in every five babies is aborted!  This destruction of human life dwarfs the six million victims of Hitler’s “final solution.”  If 50 million is hard to envision, try 3,500 per day, or ~12 little lives terminated in the five minutes it will take you to read (and think about) this column. 

Yet we as a nation condone it, either denying the obvious biological fact that it is a human life, or worse yet, knowing that it is life and not caring!  That’s the really frightening part, especially for seniors watching new generations take control.  They have been taught that life does not matter.  These are the people who will govern us as we age!   “Choice” is the dogma of the abortion advocates.  They overlook that the child is not given a choice!

Nationwide, abortion is big business for Planned Parenthood and countless other providers.  Taxpayer money is used to fund the activities of these organizations, most notably Planned Parenthood.  Some progress is being made at the state levels, where laws to require parental notification, ultrasounds, and other reasonable restrictions are being enacted.  In Texas $64 million in taxpayer funds was stripped away from Planned Parenthood, resulting in the closing of 12 Planned Parenthood abortion facilities.  Also, a landmark bill was passed to require that a sonogram be performed and offered for viewing to the mother before an abortion can take place.  These accomplishments  came about under the leadership of Texas Right To Life (see

But the fight for life continues.  Rallies and demonstrations are a part of the pro-life movement.  The annual March for Life will take place Monday, Jan. 23 in Washington D.C.   The March for Life normally draws about 250-400 thousand braving the cold of Washington DC to send a message to lawmakers and the Nation.  See   The Texas Rally for Life will be Jan. 28 at the State Capital in Austin.  See

Just as slavery was a moral issue intertwined with our Nation’s Civil War, so too is the protection of innocent human life intertwined with out Nation’s politics.  One political party is pro-life.  The other is pro-abortion.  Do you know which is which?  Will God continue to bless a nation that aborts its young?                                               (January 2012)


 This nation is on the verge of electing Barack Obama as President.  It will be a big mistake, perhaps even a disaster.  Here’s why. 

Unqualified. Barack is simply not qualified in terms of experience, maturity, or control of his own ego to be President.  His national experience in the U.S. Senate was 143 days from the time he took office until he announced for President.  His accomplishments as an Illinois legislator were unremarkable.  He vaulted to national prominence by a great speech at the Democrat convention four years ago, capturing the heart and soul of the liberal media, who have ensured his continued prominence.  In spite of no significant accomplishments, his ego knows no bounds. 

Naiveté.  Barack is extremely naïve about the realty of international politics.  Folks, he actually believes in himself so much that he is convinced he can solve international crises by “talking” to our enemies.  This dangerous naiveté is born of his …

Audacity.  He dared to go to Germany, liken himself to John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, and address “the citizens of the world.” 

Extreme liberal.  Barack has been the most liberal U. S. Senator, to the left of both Senators Kennedy and Clinton.  Ted Kennedy’s endorsement (over Clinton) should be enough to start the red danger flags waving (unless of course, you too are a liberal).   His positions include:

Pro-abortion, in all respects, including partial birth abortion (the killing of a live infant emerging from the birth canal).  His own quote is that he would not want his daughters “penalized” with a baby!

For weakening the U.S. Military.  He has proudly discussed how he will cut back the U.S. Military (after all, he will resolve conflicts by talking with our enemies).  Reducing military expenditures is essential so that he can …

Increase domestic spending on social programs of all kinds.  Good campaign examples include his plan to “buy votes” by proposing an additional $1000 payment to everyone to help cover the cost of energy.  I suppose some will sell their votes for $1000, but the philosophy of big government programs and handouts carries through to all of his planned programs, which will cost billions of dollars.  But that’s O.K., because he will pay for these programs by…

Raising taxes!  He promises to do so.  He supports increased taxes that will begin with the middle class, but especially on “the rich” who already pay 90% of the income tax burden.  He supports increasing the capital gains taxes and “death” taxes.  He simply doesn’t acknowledge the John Kennedy/Ronald Reagan  model that reducing taxes is the engine of our economy.

He is against producing our own oil and gas.  He is for gun control in all respects.  And the liberal list goes on … Finally, he is ..

Not proud of America.  This has come out again and again from both Barack and his wife, in their own words.  Most recently, he said the U.S. is not as great as we once were, and that he does not want his children raised in that world. 

And we are about to elect this man?

Health Care Costs

Obama and the Democrat leadership in Congress are attempting to “change” us into a socialist nation by taking over the entire health care industry.  The government that  controls health care, control our lives!  I strongly oppose their efforts to do so. My reasons were outlined in the ObamaCare column below.  I will continue to oppose them.  

But it is also my duty to have an alternative plan.  Even though we have the best health care system in the world and in the history of mankind, it is costly.  Health care costs are out of control, and the increase in costs is unsustainable.  Something must be done to control costs.  Here’s a plan.  The plan keeps all the major elements of the current system,  but uses market forces and common sense cost cutting methods to reduce spending.  Here’s how.

Tort Reform:  Enact national legislation to reduce outrageous litigation awards, and thereby reduce the wasteful expense of malpractice insurance.  Texas was a haven for medical lawsuits, until we passed tort reform several years ago.  The beneficial effect has been significant. 

Front end fees:   Use “market forces” to reduce unnecessary doctor visits by requiring a universal front-end fee of perhaps $25 paid out of pocket at the time of the doctor visit.  This will reduce the number of unnecessary doctor visits and enhances the doctors cash flow.  Put this into effect for all Medicare coverage immediately, and let employer insurance plans follow suit.

Fraud control:  Root out fraud by establishing a National Task Force to  prosecute fraud in Medicare and Medicaid programs.  Put some real teeth into it! 

Control Our Borders:  Reduce the cost drain of illegal immigrants on our health care system by controlling our borders.

Catastrophic insurance:  Mandate that all employed persons without employer plans or private insurance carry catastrophic health insurance provided by the private sector or the government.  Unemployed persons not eligible for Medicare would also be required to carry this insurance, premiums deducted from their “earned income credits.” 

Exclusions:  Exclude from Medicare coverage all of the following:  Cosmetic surgeries (except those to correct congenital deformities or problems resulting from an injury or another disease); all “male enhancement” drugs and therapies; sex change operations or treatments; motorized scooters for the aging; and unproven treatment technologies.   Put into effect through Medicare, and let employer insurance plans follow suit at their own pace. 

Enhancing hospice and home care for the terminally ill:  Establish incentives to minimize the costs (and wasted resources) of continuing every possible treatment to prolong life, or of caring for the terminally ill in hospitals.  For example, extend the current six-month hospice limit to one year for those voluntarily choosing (in consultation with their own physician) to die with dignity instead of continuing all possible treatments or staying in hospitals. 

These changes would bring significant savings to our health care system, without destroying it for the sake of government control of our lives.  They should be tried. 

What’s your plan?

In Tribute to Mothers

It’s Thanksgiving time, and time to think about both Thanks and Giving.   I am thankful for Supermarkets!  Before you conclude that I am being trivial, consider for a moment the absolute magnificence of a modern supermarket, and more importantly, what it represents.

First, let’s review our typical visit to a supermarket.  You park your auto, walk in, and there before you are aisle after aisle of magnificent produce, canned goods, meats fish & poultry, house wares, flowers, baked goods, and the list goes on and on.  But let’s look at it with new eyes.    Pretend that you have never seen a supermarket before.  What do you see?  You see the bounty of a fruitful nation laid out before you in magnificent splendor.  You begin to ponder that such bounty could only be possible in a nation of free people working together in what has become the most productive society in the history of mankind.

The people established a Republic – a representative democracy – that has become the model for freedom of mankind and the foundation of our success and productivity.  Our model is built on the Constitution,  the capitalistic system, the work ethic of our founders and immigrants, supported by belief in a Higher Being.  It has resulted in the most productive and free nation in the world.  Yes, I am thankful for supermarkets!

Thankful people are giving people! But how best to give, when, and to whom?  Giving is of course a very personal  matter. Here are some things to consider. 

First, give before Dec. 31 to obtain the tax deductions (if you itemize deductions).

Second, select charities or causes that reflect your personal beliefs and values.  For example, our favorite charities include: Texas Right to Life (pro-life); The Leadership   Institute (trains young conservatives);  the Heritage Foundation (conservative causes);   The American Family Association (supports traditional family values and decency in TV); the Salvation Army; the USO (supports our military); our church, and several more.  Such charities, and your favorites, can be found with a quick Google search.

Third, select charities that have low overhead and fundraising costs.  A key question is what portion of a contributed dollar goes to overhead and fundraising?  Sometimes it is shockingly high even among well know charities.  The ones we give to have low costs (example - the Salvation Army).

Fourth, 2011 is a great year to give if you have a standard IRA, are over 70.5 years of age and are subject to minimum required withdrawals.   As you know, you have to pay tax on these withdrawals.  But an exclusion applies in 2011.  You may make distributions from your IRA directly to charities that will satisfy your minimum required withdrawal and pay no tax on that distribution!  Yes, it must go directly to the charity, but depending on your economic situation it can be a great deal for both you and the charities!

Fifth:  Give directly to a needy family or person that you know.  Personal gifts are not deductible, but are the right thing!

November can be a month of both Thanks and Giving.  It’s the American way!             (November 2011)

What’s Good About America?

Folks, in a effort to be more positive,  let’s consider what’s good about America.

Our Christian heritage is among the things that are great about America.  The Christian values brought to our shores by the European immigrants formed the moral foundation of our nation.  Our founding fathers opened every session of the Constitutional Convention with a prayer, seeking Divine Guidance!  Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington were among those who understood that a Republic such as ours must be based on moral principles, such as embodied in the Christian faith.  Dwight Eisenhower said, “Without God there could be no American form of government nor an American way of life. Recognition of the Supreme Being is the first--the most basic--expression of Americanism.” 

But we are losing our Christian heritage.  President Obama has even said we are a Muslim nation!

Our Constitution is what’s right about America.  It sets up a government “of the people, by the people, for the people,” clearly defining the powers of the government in the body of the Constitution, and the  rights of the people in the Bill of Rights.  It is the foundation that has allowed our nation to grow, prosper, and become a force for freedom around the world. 

Yet President Obama believes that our Constitution is too restrictive, providing mostly “negative powers” that restrict the Federal government.  He is correct.  That’s exactly what the Constitution does!  And the 10th Amendment specifically reserves to the people and the States all powers not specifically listed in the Constitution for the Federal government.  Since this does not fit with Obama’s agenda of changing our nation, he  wants to change the Constitution over time by Judicial interpretation, to give the Federal government more control. 

Free enterprise is what’s right about America.  The freedom to try, to succeed and to fail!  To try is the very essence of freedom.  Success is the engine of our economy, the key to our personal growth, and collectively the wealth of the nation.  Failurein free enterprise is the engine of efficiency, weeding out those that can’t compete (and should not be subsidized).  Free enterprise has made this nation great.  The problem is that Obama  believe that our free enterprise needs more governmental control, and higher taxes.  He’s wrong on both counts!

Pride in our nation is what’s right about America.  I was raised to believe that America is exceptional and has a special role to play in advancing human rights and freedom in the world.  This is called, “American exceptionalism” and it’s based on the notion that the American model of freedom, prosperity, technological excellence, standard of living, medical care, charitable giving and suppression of tyranny in WWII and the cold war are unequalled in the history of mankind!

It seems that this Administration does not believe in American exceptionalism.

If you do, choose your candidates carefully November 2.  This election will be a referendum on what we want America to be.